I hate to break your heart Avid but the majority of PS users could careless. Motion sensing is this gen's buzz word will it last most likely but we still are a long way off from ditching controllers for ever. Nothing good can really come out of motion sensing in my mind. If you want to feel like a badass on a skateboard or a basketball court. Practice practice practice... Not stand in front of your TV waving a controller around or for that matter running in place.Here's what's a joke about the cows arguments: The Natal is total garbage, even though this is a new technology shown for the 1st time, yet Sony's 2nd rate Wiimote wannabe with a lit ball at the end is teh greatest. I guess gaming on a PS just weens you on accepting 2nd rate copies of everyone else...
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
Even though I'm not really into car racing sims, it would be nice to see Sonyrelease one of their flagship titles. Who knows how far they are on the build this may all be PR b.s to quell the rage that all GT fans have. Help give them a little hope that GT5 might see the light of day soon rather then later.
It was nice to see E3 back to its former glory. Why they ever tried to cut back and make it subdued is beyond me. E3 is the Oscars of videogaming were gamers go to get their fix for whats in store for the future of all things gaming
But thats the thing it's not tracking in 3D thats just a bunch of B.S. MS is trying to sell.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"][QUOTE="-RocBoys9489-"] Tracking full body 3D movement has never been done before. Period. Brand. New. Tech.TBoogy
Wrong AGAIN.
In the live demo, when the girl on stage would step forward, her character would to. Up/down. Side to side. Forward and backwards. What else do you want?
Honestly, your "Thats just BS!" staements make it seem like you are just sticking your fingers in your ears while screaming to avoid hearing what you don't want to hear. You seem to have a MS grudge, as opposed to just being a fan of new technology like most people who like the project are. It has nothing to do with "MS loyalty" as you mentioned earlier. Sony fans have been able to admit the tech is impressive. Why can't you?
Um Sorry but wrong again go watch her demo it again she is stationary the whole time flailing your arms and legs around isn't anything new. She didn't move anycloser to the wall. And this isn't about being aA Sony fan I thought other then Natal MS had a really good show. I just see pass all the smoke and mirrors I know I'm being over cynicalbut it because its not all that its cracked up to be, I can see the limitations of Natal. Were are the beginning of what motion sensing will eventually become All three have their own interpretation of motion sensing and to me all three still have aways to go.As for the skateboarding question how will Natal understand the difference of a 360 flip and a lazer flip. A BS hardflip and a kickflip vareil? How is it suppose to understand different grabs or grinds beyond the most basic ones? Also how the bloody hell are they going to do either a Motocross or aBMX game release the MS stationary bike? I'll tell you what I wont rag on Natal like I've been doing instead I'll just talk about its limitations.
Its not his or our job to figure out how to do anything you're asking. It's the delevopers working on the games for Natal job to. No one here has answers for you. We saw what you saw of it n don't know how it will be implemented...we're just all speculating about the possibilities and having a good time. Relax.ChartTopper93I'm just pointing out the inherit flaws of Natal that's all. Due to the fact I'm not blinded buy MS loyalty, everything they showed has been done in one shape or form. An Alpha you can't even answer a simple question I posed to you before you hype something to the moon make sure it doesn't have gaping flaws that will make it an instant fail form the starting gates. Tracking full body 3D movement has never been done before. Period. Brand. New. Tech. But thats the thing it's not tracking in 3D thats just a bunch of B.S. MS is trying to sell.
Can we go back to tried a true controllers. We play to escape reality!!! No matter how good motion controls get they will never be as good as the doing something in real life unless you have a holodeck and thats not happening for a long time.
[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]Give it a couple of months and teh magic will have worn off. Sorry but playing on one plane is a joke. Since you think you know it all how do you suppose you'll walk in a 3d world? Its not his or our job to figure out how to do anything you're asking. It's the delevopers working on the games for Natal job to. No one here has answers for you. We saw what you saw of it n don't know how it will be implemented...we're just all speculating about the possibilities and having a good time. Relax.I'm just pointing out the inherit flaws of Natal that's all. Due to the fact I'm not blinded buy MS loyalty, everything they showed has been done in one shape or form. An Alpha you can't even answer a simple question I posed to you before you hype something to the moon make sure it doesn't have gaping flaws that will make it an instant fail form the starting gates.[QUOTE="AlphaGamer469"]
Gee , should I beleive in the game journelists actually impressed that actually saw the NATAL in use or should I beleive in the bitter cow :question:
It all comes down to goodie bags. Maybe everyone's pissed about the PS Go being $250. That was the only letdown Sony had. Other then that Sony showed better exclusive's.
They were actually there. The crowd doesn't make a show or else Harry Potter and Hannah Montana would be the most anticipated titles.
Don't you dare say anything bad about Hanna lol. Were did 1up and Gamespot say that so I can read or listen to their interpretation of how the conferences went. Because I'm curious about them saying nuclear meltdown disaster.Gamespot said it on their E3 09 live coverage, as others have also pointed out earlier in this thread.
And 1UP said it on ListenUP.
Well each to his own I guess I see things in a different light. MS must of gave out better PR goodie bags.Must not have been watching the same conferences. MS's crowd was so subdued you would swear they were watching a surgery being preformed.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]
1UP agrees with Gamespot. MS won. They called Sony's press conference a "nuclear meltdown disaster" on ListenUP.
They were actually there. The crowd doesn't make a show or else Harry Potter and Hannah Montana would be the most anticipated titles.
Don't you dare say anything bad about Hanna lol. Were did 1up and Gamespot say that so I can read or listen to their interpretation of how the conferences went. Because I'm curious about them saying nuclear meltdown disaster.
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