For the sake of all the lems out their I hope MS delivers you guys some good games...
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
It's not about people purchasingDLC for a game they like to extend the replay value. It's more about Acti overcharging for said DLC that I find to be a lot of crap. *pulls outcrystalballspeaks in ominous voice* emm, emm In the future the CoD franchise will charge you $ 10.00 bucks for 2 new game breaking perks and a snuggie for the barrel of your rifle.
Thats just Activisions business model. Squeeze everything as fast as you can.
Thyre a short-sighted company. I dont think Kotick and the gang expect to stay for long
This man speaks the truth. Activision have sadly become like this, they haven't squeezed most franchises as hard as they did with Guitar Hero (they released what, 4 or 5 games in one year in 2009) but it wouldn't surprise me if they started doing it soon, especially with CoD. The've already said they were heading in this direction. Remember the rumors of a TPS CoD, I don't think its hard to imagine two CoD releases a year one being a FPS the other a TPS. Not only that but it's only a matter of time before they start creating different teirs for online game play.Brown King am confirmed!!! **** yeah!!! 8)
I just hope to god its nothing like Resistance 1..the weapon wheel has returned which pretty much means you can pick up every weapon in teh game and take it with you which is such an arcahiac design choice...
resistance 2 was great..something tells me they've stepped back to resistance 1...GreenGoblin2099
Funny that you say this... most people I know have RFoM on a highest regard than R2. I guess you like pretty colors in your games.
I for one hold RFoM on said pedestal!!! R2 was good it had great Multi and Co-op but RFoM blew it away in terms of story. And how can you not love the weapons wheel of death. I mean Really??? Every freaking FPS these days have the main and alt weapon control scheme, I'm excited that their going back to what insomniac is known for the weapons wheel of death. And before the great it's too brown debate set's in, I hope everyone notices that duh the are home world is being taken over. The Chimera are changing the climate ofthe world and that's the reason it looks teh brown.After the collapse of the CoD franchise Acti will have nothing left for cash cows. The only three game to ever make Acti tons of money were Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero and CoD. None of their other franchise really preformed well yeah some were successful but not in terms of what these three made. Blizzard needs to sever ties and go on their own again. Acti and its mismanagement are a sicking ship that only now is starting to show signs of stress and wear after years of bad decisions. Bobby's arrogance will be the death of Acti. If I was a shareholder I would be extremely weary of how the business is being run right now. Yeah their still making money right now. But doesn't everyone feel that they have no real plans for longevity as a company???
I fixed my 40GB about 7 months back and its been working perfectly ever since. Fixed a buddies 60GB and his is working fine as well. Ninja_Zombie83Did you do anything different??? Or is it luck of the draw???
I play for extend periods so the best thing to do back up all my data and get a new one. Thanks guys...
So about a week ago my beloved 60gig got the dreaded YLOD...:cry: Now I have seen the repair threads and video's on the web... My question for anyone who has done it is this??? I've heard its only temporary and that you'll most likley get another YLOD in a couple of months, is this true is it better to just by a new slim??? I was going to fix my 60 gig anyways so I can deactivate all my accounts and back up my 250 gig hard drive but Im pretty pissed that the system I've had since 06 is fried.
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