So it begins!!! TC a more fair comparision would be betweem GeoW and U2:AT in which case U2 destroys it!!!
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
I have a fat PS3 that I want to sell and buy me a PS3 Slim. Whats the easiest way to transfer the data? Can I just switch the hard drives? maybe use a male to male usb cable? I would really hate to have to reinstall and re-download games and such. Thanks,carios23First off what type of fat PS3 do you have??? Now you can either use a thumb drive or a portable HDD to transfer you data. As for game's your going to have to reinstall them.
Ok well i have both a Ps3 and 360 And i have been thinkin over the last few days which i should stick with So I wanted To here the PS3 Players Opinions Do You Think I should Go With Ps3 Why and what Good/Decent exslusives Should I Get Or Are coming Out. and If It's Not to Much trouble For anyone what Are the Decent DownLoadable Games On Ps3. Oh and I've Had 2 Ps3's They Broke ;)
Thanx In Advance
UHmmm...dude, you are on a gaming news & review site. If you don't know what games are good and/or coming out, then I seriously doubt you even have a PS3.
And what is with all these posts/threads lately from people asking "What should I do? What should I do?" Nobody cares what you do. And what kind of answer do you honestly expect to get when you come to a PS3 fan forum and ask if the PS3 has value? You should already know the answer you will get so how is that possible helpful in anyway.
Sorry if I'm coming on strong, but I've seriously seend 2 or 3 of these same threads every day for the past couple weeks.
I lol'd. I agree with you though dude. Every freaking day there is some new thread asking if someone should get/ keep their PS3. Make up your own fing minds people! Its called freedom of choice. EXCERCISE IT!!! But people don't like to exercise freedom of choice it's just to hard!!!!!!!!!!!! :cry:Well if you have had two PS3's RROD. ;) Then the answer is simple of which one to stick with.Ok well i have both a Ps3 and 360 And i have been thinkin over the last few days which i should stick with So I wanted To here the PS3 Players Opinions Do You Think I should Go With Ps3 Why and what Good/Decent exslusives Should I Get Or Are coming Out. and If It's Not to Much trouble For anyone what Are the Decent DownLoadable Games On Ps3. Oh and I've Had 2 Ps3's They Broke ;)
Thanx In Advance
Yes were already in year four of the 10 year plan. So if you don't feel 6 yrs is enough time to enjoy your PS3 your going to have to wait.
I'm actually playing the BETA right now (PSN = AHUGECAT) so expect a review up by the end of today.AHUGECAT
You don't even have a PS3. You're full of ***.
I took your "PSN username" and ran it on some sites to see what trophies you've earned, and it said you didn't exist.
It would e ownage if you couldn't add me right now for yourself, or send me a message.
I'll own you AHUGECAT whats your ID. Did you buy another PS3 I thought you sold the last one?[QUOTE="jerkface96"][QUOTE="WithoutGraceXII"]
You're right. I'm going to make the following game: You turn on your console, push the new game button, and a big sign comes up that says WINNER! Everyone's a winner, must be a great game.
/thread right hereNot at all, I never said I thought PoP should of recieved a good score, it just seems odd DS got a free pass for difficulty/asseccibility issues.
You will be one of those guys who put Bayonetta on super cheese huh?Because he lacks the skill to play it bro. Everyone of the reviewers said its hard as hell but FAIR!!! Wind u die because you made the mistake not because the game cheated you!!! o hey there bud :) Hey buddy!!! Wind why should every game pander to a certain demo graph? Theirs a plethura of games out there that teh casuals would love. Some of use feel games have gotten to easy so it's a breat of fresh air when a game come out and beats your ass.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"][QUOTE="jerkface96"] well everyone whose heard about this game, knows its for the hardcore only, and almost all the reviews state IF YOU LIKE GETTING YOUR BUTT KICKED THEN YOU WILL ENJOY IT, IF NOT GTFO it is a good game though why dont you try it before you try to down play it. jerkface96
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