Those are the strong points of the game. I would go as far as saying R2 is the premiere FPS co-op experience.Wow really? My friend told me the game was great to play MP and co-op on. This will probably be one of the first games I get with my ps3.
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
You finish U2 on crushing yet??? Remember its all about putting bullets were they count. I have friends who are struggling with normal.The two big Sony developers have traditionally been great. But Resistance series just does nothing at all for me. I finished the first one, but I just cant take any more first person shooters. Not to mention Naughty Dogs Uncharted series has just taken a whole cinematic leap that Insomniac really didnt do with Resistance. Theres just nothing about the series that stands out.
Oh and Uncharted 2 rock the hisouseeeee. I just wish it was a little harder.
^THIS^ A lot of the backlash Insomniac is receiving is due to the SP. Anybody who has played both knows how much better the story was in R1, in R2 you had no connection or investment to the story. I don't know to many people who love to read pages of intel to understand a story? I think one of R2's biggest flaws was it became too CODish. If Insomniac can take the parts of 1 and 2 that were great and build upon them R3 will be an amazing game.They only failed by totally ruining the SP narrative and story telling style. They nailed the MP though, among the best I played on consoles last year.
Its a really good deal. My only complaint was with TF2 EA wrote some really crappy code, and or gave it some really horrible servers I either got disconnected or lagged everytime I played a match.
Why would your really pit U: DF against U2:AT? Both are great and satisfying games that have different elementsto enjoy, like the jet ski parts in 1 or the chase ones in 2. I personally love both game equally.
Need moar bloom.AAllxxjjnn
What do you mean by bloom?
So it'll fit in with all the games this gen. Hellz yeah lol. Love the next gen filter in U2 it makes the game pop.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]
Just finished U2 on hard last night!!! What an epic journey that was, their wasn't one point I didn't enjoy. In a couple of days I'll play it on crushing I only found 39 treasures on my first play through.
I only found 31.
Anyway, I finished it for the first time earlier, and I can honestly say that it's one of the best games I've ever played. It's just awesomeness from start to finish, and I was really, really disappointed when it was over, because I didn't want it to end.
The dialogue between the characters is fantastic throughout.
Did anyone else feel bad that it was over? :cry: All that I know isbefore U3 comes out I'm going on lock down why earlier then I did this time around. So many freaking spoilers almost ruined the game. :evil: I think I will give it a rest for a couple of weeks before I do my crushing play through.
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