Lady's, Gentlemen, and Mods who frequent the SW boards on a daily basis!!! I say it's time to overhaul and settle the rule's that guide this great board. To much confusion and biased is cast that it's hard to determine what arereally the facts anymore in SW, its become a he said she said affair??? I propose we as a body nominate the 2 or 3 best out of the Sheep, Cows, Lems, Hermits and Manticores and let them hash out the rules that guide this board. No mod or spread sheet guys should cast as much control as they do on this board. We are the one's who make this board great so, we should have are best create the rules this board is governed by.
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
HUH??? No this is about the PS2 being the king of all console.So, the new 'wait til,...' for the PS3 is 'wait til year 9 for great sales'?
Who in the F really cares??? We live in such a desensitised society is this really an issue??? Oh wait itsnotan issue, this is just another way to either hype the game or so sensationalize the game nothing more nothing less. Oh my I heard how graphic it was let me buy the game too make sure what everyone is saying is true!!!
All hail the KING!!! even though the NES, and SNES were awesome console nothing compares to the PS2.
*sigh* why do you call yourself a manticore again? While you enjoy games on all console's your preference is clearlynoted time and time again. Quick question do you own all three copy's???Of course it is. :) Borderlands 360 is king of the ring.
OMG, it counts now, wow, check the spreadsheets guys.
Those spreadsheets arent run by SW, they have been run by random guys and their whims.
We need a Spreadsheet Tribunal, this is backwards.
^This^Mods and guys who were proactive enough to create a spread sheet are not the be all end all of system wars. Sorry Casey but like everyone you have your own agenda and bias. I propose the first SW constitutional convention, were the most level head users hammer out the rules and laws of SW. So B.S like this doesn't keep dragging SW down. I say we take the top four out of each faction IE Hermits, Lems, Cows, Sheep as well as a handful of manticore's who do not have an agenda. And let themfinally create concrete rules for SW.What say you SW will me make this a place ofrevelance or do we continue with the no holds bard approach???
I love how just because a mod and two guys with a niffty spread sheet, say something it becomes fact. So buy SW logic the Show should count because one its exclusively on a blu-ray disc that only a PS3 can play. And two their are difference's between the different copys. :P
But that same logic also made the Show not count as a PS3 exclusive game as well.This is why system wars is kind of a joke. The game does not count as an AAAE because of clearly established guidelines in system wars, it's not the same as Uncharted 2 or Demon's Souls. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't count at all, it's DLC that in my opinion is better than the original game which scored a 10 on GS. Lemmings and Cows both need to take a step back and stfu.
Simply put yes in every sense of the word. I haven't even put in a second play through because I want to take my time and enjoy the thrill ride that is Uncharted 2. TC whats your thoughts on it???
[QUOTE="Animal-Mother"][QUOTE="fixer293"]No I know plenty of stuff that is phenomenal and gets discretided. Everything else has never counted and now that one gets a score it's AAAE it counts, It's changing the rules. If EFLC was reviewed it would get a 10 and I would say Good damn job. But EFLC hasn't been reviewed, i'm sorry but PS3 destroyed 360 this year. Now lemmings are desperate and wanna reach out and grab this piece of DLC and go "HAH" when they never have before. And what place is PS3? last thats right 360 is currently beating PS3, and no matter what will continue to do so, no matter how fanboys spin it. Your setting yourself up for some holiday ownage buddy.anything on the 360 that does exceptional is discredited, eve though it is a expansion it is a GAME expansion making it a game. Cows are spinning and in DC, it is a AAA exclusive to 360 and spinning and denying does nothing but makes cows look horrible.
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