Hurry you can be the first to post Uncharted 2 got an 8.0 and have a thread of flames and rebuttals.
the site that recently gave U2 a 8 has in total 58 reviews. the site wont count on GR or MT because it worries Trust me my friend some one will bring this up soon. And will have 20 pages of responses, because thats how SW rolls. LOL
LOL!!! This is a total snow job of a review. If you read through it you'll end up scratching you head going WTF, all he does is contradict himself left and right. For example he say he would rather play GeoW or ODST then play uncharted multiplayer, he then back peddles and says he thinks the multiplayer is alot of fun and great? Dude make up your mind!!! Not only that but he gives both re-playability and sound 7? He goes so far as to say the gun play is repetitive and that U2 suffers from long load times?Huh??? If this is such an issue why hasn't any other reviewer brought this up. To make it even more confusing the second opinion gives it a 10/10. The last thing I would like to bring up is the reviewer gave Ghost Busters a 9/10.
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