Thank you its so everyone can feel like a winner!!! Meh I tried to sound enthusiastic but its so hard to with this game.why they reward you for dying is beyond me.
2beers_in_hand's forum posts
*scratches head* So do you like it or not? Whats you opinion Man!!!Can't say I'm all disappointed in this purchase is soley based on the Single Player portion of the game.
I know you can RNC somebody, but I wondering if your able to grab someone from cover and snap their neck?I just want to do the awesome stealth attacks in multiplayer.
Halo 3 takes the cake on this one. MGS4 was the most hyped for the PS3 while KZ2 was the most hated game of any console of all time.
I'm the opposite I enjoy the gunplay it has its own feel.It was mentioned before in a couple of different post but what is needed is a no spawn mode to ratchet up the intensity.
I'm confused as can be. There is a hit detection system similar to cod4 in which when you hit someone the animation changes up
And another thing there is much more customization I found in this game. In terms of characters? No. But gameplay variation it is up there with halo 3. Alot better than killzone 2, and resistance 2.
I think TC means when your across the map its hard to tell if your actually hitting the enemy. As for the no spawn mode excellent my hype continues to build.[QUOTE="2beers_in_hand"]
Wow this thread is still raging lol. Why did you post a screen of Banjo?
because i feel its a much better representative of the best graphics on the 360 over Gears 2 and I wanted to point out that if you want to say that the 360 has better games then Uncharted (with gfx) then at least post screens of a game that actually does have close if not as good or better graphics.
Sorry but I think you stand alone on that one. Don't get me wrong Banjo looks good but it's not even a close race sorry.
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