[QUOTE="-eddy-"]You shouldn't be asking if God is real. The real question is, what do you lose if you believe in him? What if you are wrong? Nothing. It's a disappointment at worst. If he is real and you don't believe, in the worst case you will be banished. So mathematically it's more efficient to believe in God as you lose nothing by believing and can win everything by doing so. :P I don't believe, yet._en1gma_Which god? There are tons of different gods from a myriad of religions? What if you choose the wrong god? What if god knows you are merely logically believing him? There are countless issues with Pascal's wager. :P Just logically believe all of them, even though that might require some work, but you'll be safe. I mean, they maybe gods but they are no charles xavier. He can read your mind, god(s) cant.
2ndJeff's forum posts
My thoughts exactly.. On topic: How 'bout some sausageBacon.
Toasted bacon sandwich = win
Spiders doesnt understand speech, they dont even think. Like other insects they react, on instict, pheromones, and such. So if you appeared threating i would stay still to avoid conflict, which would mean certain death. It's pure instinct to flee if the enemy is bigger than you.(unless said insect doesnt have the drop on you, like the one who went to sleep and got bitten) My theory anyway.
E! E! E!.. No seriosly E) touch her shoulder.. Anyhow, if you talk to her face to face you'll know if she's into you or not. But if all else fails, touch her shoulder, again.
My friend is so rich that he doesn't need a girlfriend.
My friend is so rich that he could stop the filming of Indy 5, but doesn't just to laugh at us poor ones.
My friend is so rich that he doesn't need to be my friend, or want.
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