I would just say bugspray.. I had an ant infestation once, bigass ants with wings, so i bought some spray, opened my window, emptyed the spray around the corners andjust in the middle of the room, closed the door, and ran like i was on fire.. The last part is not true.. at any rate bugspray might kill spiders.. If not maybe some strong cleaning acids with very strong smells, i suppose, I have some ideas but dont know what its called in english.
2ndJeff's forum posts
You guys are all wrong, the best monologue in a movie is: Raul Julia / General M. Bison where hw explain his visions of "Pax Bisonica". "I want to create the perfect soldier, not for evil... But for good! ...[insert rest of speech]... It will swipe away every nation, every creed, and put it in the loving grace of Pax Bisonica! And everyone will bow to ME". Paraphrased-ish.
And later where he has fought Guile, been beaten and resurrected. "You came here prepared to fight a madman, but insted you met a god!"
Well that ends this discussion and everyone will agree.
I haven til min mor.
It's norwegian, and I'll never translate.
Soo, whats in the garden for your mom?
I think its the garden..
Anyway, mines"Sut Pik QUARK!". Danish and means Suck C*ck QUARK, not really sure what "quark" means,but itcould be the sound a frog or duck makes..
I've been a PES guy too, but fifa looks really good and plays well this year, and somewhat last year too.. Now EA just need til adapt that to Madden, which has come to a standstill..
I would have to say Fifa 09, imo Fifa has stepped way in front of PES this year, the gameplay just flows much better, it looks better,and 10vs10 online.. Soo, easy choice, if I had to choose.. I have yet to buy Fifa, I've played both demos, and that is what I base my opinion on..
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