It's very 'possible'You just don't need waist-high cover and corridor-shaped levels everywhere :PI like the setting. I could very easily imagine something coming halfway between Gears and Killzone
I never asked for this.... no, really... I love Deus Ex but this sounds horrible.The biggest strengths of Deus Ex are only relevant in the context of player control!
@Owner34 Not really... it only makes me think that the OST will be fantastic. But unfortunately the gameplay is what makes the game, so the only $$$'s Activision will be seeing from me will be their % of the cut for the soundtrack when they release it. (They'd be REALLY stupid not to, with a name like Trent's on it)and if they make the soundtrack a pre-order exclusive... are they creating an incentive for me to purchase the game? no. They're creating an incentive to piratesteve!d#mn activision
@Destrond It's a shame they're taking everything wrong with the 'modern' setting and putting it into scifi then." I like games with original guns where it takes a little bit more intelligence then aim and shoot in order to kill your foes."
Sounds like you're hankering for a game along the lines of Tribes Ascend then ;)
Great. So at least the OST will be worth buying.Shame they didn't decide to let him in on the world/story concept (Year Zero had an interesting story backdrop) and delay the game for 2 years to make a decent CoD game again.
@Poodlejumper @theduckofdeath His work on Quake was mainly ambient. I enjoyed it, but it wasn't going to grab your attention like his performance pieces did. That wasn't its purpose, it was a soundtrack. I'd compare it to some of what he did in Ghosts personally, just more electronic and a bit less noisy.
@DrRockso87 Here's something you should do about game announcements as a gamer. Until you see in-engine gameplay footage complete with UI from a live demo, pretend it doesn't exist.Or the hype will kill your soul with disappointment.
@SebCrakpot1234 Play on PC more. There are TONS of good original games thanks to small developers.Even the free to play scene is getting some really good games. Tribes and League of Legends are loads of fun. Path of Exile and Shootmania are both AWESOME so far though they're still in closed beta (you can buy access for like $10 if you're interested), DOTA2 and Mechwarrior Online are both going to be great fun to play.In non-free to play, there's many indie developers out there who have a following and a market on PC. Tim Schafer's next adventure game will be worth following. Check out the Humble Indie Bundle to buy entire packs of high quality (and innovative!) games on what is basically an honour system.Step down into the rabbit hole of PC gaming friend :PYou've never experienced developer-consumer relations like this before.And bring your friends with you, if they're willing to step outside their mundane bastion citadels of Playstation or Xbox into the 'hated' wilderness of PC. It is an experience full of trials and tribulations, but ultimately far more rewarding than most things you'll experience on your console platform.(though splitscreen gaming is pretty cool)
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