Those types of shooters you mean-which is the disadvantage of mainstream as your market. When the stream decides to flow elsewhere there's nothing but rocks & dust remaining of the demand for your product. Niche shooters (and other genres) will do just fine. Deus Ex, Half-Life and Tribes, will do just fine.WoW clones will crash and burn. The overinflated MOBA scene will deflate considerably in the next couple of years once the audience matures, those who stay stay while those who weren't hooked move on.
No s$^@#But there's plenty of small developers breaking ground. The industry is probably due for a crash since there's a lot of investment without the market or demand getting much bigger. But that's a result of a bubble forming based on speculation instead of actual consumer demand then isn't it?The industry that matters will be fine. The publishers applying the prior Tony Hawk and Guitar Hero strategies onto the greater part of their profit-gaining pie (eg. Call of Duty) are who are going to crash hard when the demand for their product evaporates. Nobody wants to buy the same game every year.
I think it's more likely that the expense of game development today is what would be pushing developers onto lower-cost platforms they can be more creative with. There's been an explosion of exciting development on the PC side but it's not coming from the previously console-centric developers. Although I don't see him listing any developers that have jumped ship because "the tech is old"Yeah I agree that this console cycle has taken too long. But that's the only part I agree with.
Right, because Halo is also controlled by a recently implemented, unproven in the genre, buggy-thus-far interaction medium by developers trying to convince us that an on-rails game is not an on-rails game. =.=
all he did is list advantages of the digital format.... but there's many very good reasons why people still buy physical copies and do NOT do digital only. Digital only, is he !@$*#^ crazy!? cut yourself out of a significant portion of the market share. Does he think everyone who buys games (or kids who get their parents to buy them for them) is willing to put down credit card numbers on online accounts to buy their games?
putting all the resources into the The Kingdoms of Amalur MMO was a fail. Who the hell made the decision that they'd roll it all out instead of just putting out the small rpg first to see how it went without putting all the eggs in the MMO basket!?
2x4b96123's comments