Ahh, thanks for that, i wasn't really hoping it would get ported, im sure it's a great game and would love to play it but wasn't trying to start any rumors...was just curious about the technicle aspects. Afterall, it is an impressive looking game graphicly. I do wish square would see the light andbring FF 13 to 360 though, that'd make me never even question getting a ps3 :(So the hard drive is the bog down huh, thats a shame.
3dbullseye's forum posts
I was watching a developer vid on gametrailers about the ps3 power and uncharted being developed on it. They mentioned a lot of talk about shaders, I thought the 360 had better shader capabilities then the ps3? I am wondering if the game would have been possible on the 360, and dont talk about blu-ray..we all know games can use multiple discs. I'm talking about pure graphic and processor power. Of course naughty dog would say no since they are ps3 exclusive (these comments from devs always make me laugh cause it's not like they would even try to develop their game on the competing console).
[QUOTE="hiryu3"]I think you all are missing the point. The point is that the hardware is trash. Yes he could return it since it has been only 5 days but the problem is "Why should I have to return something that broke in 5 days!" Great games yes, Live great? Yes. Awesome online experience? yes Quality hardware? NO that is his point.
THANK YOU. So many people missed it completely. I want an xbox very much so. but like I said, why are their still hardware problems? It's not acceptable in the least.
My first copy of guitar hero 3 had a faulty guitar, should i call the product crap?
I'm not saying it doesn't have issues. I had one last year where the drive got out of allignment and i had to send it in to MS for a repair, sold that unit and bought a ps3 for a while, got sick of the crappy ports and no good exclusives (which could be turning around). Sold it, got a new 360 recently with the new benq drive and new heatsink etc..which yours should have if it's new. Never gotten the rrod, make sure it's got room to breathe and personaly i set mine up verticly as theres vents on the side where you would lay it flat, seems to keep it cooler. When god of war 3 and final fantasy come out ill get a ps3 but that's still at least a year away.
[QUOTE="DaysAirlines"][QUOTE="darkslider99"][QUOTE="BlackBaron11"]I've had my 360 since for almost two years now, and its still working great. And if it breaks you send it to Microsoft for free, so whats the big deal? Although this shouldnt even be a problem if they made them right.
that's my point. Microsoft ****ed up. It's one thing if it has problems for a few months...b ut two years? That's not even close to acceptable.
How do you know if you have a falcon chip, anyways? I tried looking for the lot number but can';t find it anywheres...
theres a sticker on the back with the date and i think it says falcon on it somewhere to if you have it.
[QUOTE="DaysAirlines"]It is absolute garbage because of the RROD. Which is why I decided not to get the RROD 360. I got the regular 360.darkslider99
Yeah. I wishI never bought it. Getting a new one for free...but mostly only sticking with it since I payed for the games, and I can;t get my money back for them
You have issues, you go from I HATE IT, to YAY ITS WORKING AGAIN I CANT WAIT TO PLAY AWESOME GAMES, to I WISH I NEVER BOUGHT IT within 30 minutes....and im glad you can return it, one thing I don't understand though...you have had it for 5 days, and looks like you've played about 10 games with a score of 210...i mean what are you doing? tossing in a game playing it for 2 minutes hitting eject, tossing in a new game, 2 minutes eject new game .,,,? can't be good for the load on the machine.
I've had 6 360s die on me
and rather than deal with MS I'd rather just go to EB and pick up an arcade console
but is it still as floppy?
hint : putting a 360 in an oven and hitting power is bad.
[QUOTE="3dbullseye"][QUOTE="jdc6305"]I made the mistake of buying a 360. I was worried everyday then I turned it on it would get the RROD. I sold it after 3 weeks and got most of my money back. It was too nerve racking for me.Derek240
I know..i mean whatever would you do with your time if you had to go a month without a gaming console!! /sarcasm
If you pay $500 for a console, you should not only expect it work, you should demand excellence at all times. It simply is not acceptable for Microsoft to have not fixed this problem. A true disgrace to gamers.
Why would you ever pay 500 dollars for a 360?
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