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50 Day Video Game Challenge - gonna do it!

Day 1 - First video game system you ever played

Day 2 - First VG console you ever owned

Day 3 - First VG Handheld you ever owned

Day 4 - First video game you ever played

Day 5 - First video game you ever owned.

Day 6 - First RPG

Day 7 - First Shooter/FPS

Day 8 - First Action/Adventure

Day 9 - First Sports

Day 10 - First Fighting

Day 11 - First Xbox 360 achievement

Day 12 - First PSN trophy

Day 13 - First Steam Achievement

Day 14 - Favorite video game you ever played

Day 15 - VG you put the most time into

Day 16 - Achievement/Trophy you put the most time into

Day 17 - Favorite RPG

Day 18 - Favorite Shooter/FPS

Day 19 - Favorite Action/Adventure

Day 20 - Favorite Sports

Day 21 - Favorite Fighting

Day 22 - First Platinum Trophy / getting 1000GS in one game

Day 23 - Least favorite game

Day 24 - favorite Publisher

Day 25 - Favorite Developer

Day 26 - Favorite Arsenal

Day 27 - Favorite Characters

Day 28 - Favorite Element in Any game

Day 29 - Favorite Story

Day 30 - Best Deal You've Gotten on a Video Game or Console

Happy Thanksgiving, good luck Black Friday Shopping!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

What am I thankful for? I am thankful for my friends and family. They mean the world to me and can not imagine my life without them.

Also, I hope everyone can have a good Black Friday experience and get good deals on good games (and other stuff).

As for me, I'll probably be picking up Assassins Creed 3, Skyrim, Borderlands 2, Dishonored, Halo 4, PS All Stars, Little Big Karting and Need For Speed Most Wanted tonight. What about you guys?

e3 is here!

Unfortunately I miseed Microsoft (ill watch it tomorrow) but I am watching EA's right now! And I saw the Black Ops 2 gameplay, looks like crap, actually. Im really dissapointed.

Playstation All-stars Battle Royale??

While it may have copied Smash Bros, it still sounds amazing. My ideas for


BUZZ!! - You can grab an in-game controller, answering answers correctly gives you health, answering incorrectly lowers your health.

Littlebigplanet - Similar to the Warioware stage, It randomly takes you to popular mini-games in LBP2, such as "Clockwerx 2"

Cheatau (something like that) remember in the Uncharted 3 level 6 where youre in a burning building? Yeah that one.

Graveyard Ship - In Uncharted 3, this level was my least favorite. However, it could be cool for this game.

Airfield - that multiplayer map in UC3, the starting part would be awesome IMO.

The Sewers - From Infamous.

Something from Sly Cooper where you have to hide when the lights are on, otherwise you get hurt. You have to attack when the lights are out.

A Sly Cooper level where you are being chased by Carmelita

A Wipeout level similar to the Mario Kart level.

A Heavy Rain level involving Quick time events.

Your ideas?

Good ideas for Black Ops 2

- Skill level for online - Choose recruit, regular, hardened or veteran. If others don't think you fit in the category, they can press a button and when a player gets enough people to report them, they will not be able to play that difficulty level anymorde.

-Matchmaking filter - Filters age (no more 9-y-old's), Plus connection level (wheter or not you will make the game lag), skill level (see above)

-Map selection - Make it so you can limit matchmaking to just your favorite map.

-Inclusion of Nuketown. - Best Map Ever. Period.

-More wager matches! - Self explanatory

-Awesomer zombies - The innovation of zombie mode completely skyrocketed with Black Ops. First, there was the first 5 maps (Nacht, Veruckt, Shi no, Der Reise, and Kino), pretty normal, then they introduced the JFK level that took place at the pentagon, Ascension was prettty normal but it included 2 new lethal grenades, then Call of the Dead, which had famous actors as playable characters, a boss that was nearly unkillable, 2 new guns, one of which turned zopmbies into humans, and the easter egg, a pain in the arse that is well worth the crapload of Gamerscore. Next came Shangri-La, which continued with the Eater Egg trend and a new shrink-ray gun, plus 2 new kinds of zombies. Lastly, you get Moon. Moon has an insanely tricky easter egg (175 Gamerscore by the way), not to mention half the map is low-gravity, a new device called the Hacker, No Man's Land makes a level itself, plus there is a new Perk called Mule Kick

Will you guys please help me out??

Please go here and vote: https://www.playfire.com/bestgame/MZBI85

If you win, we will both get the reward of 1,000 dollars worth of games and equipitment.

Thanks a ton guys!

If you vote on mine and tell me, I will return the favor and vote on your's.

Revisiting Red Dead

WOW. I cannot believe I forgot how epic the campaign is for this game. I just got it for Xbox, and I am playing through right now. I had it for PS3, completed and all, but now that I prefer Xbox, I thought I'd pick it up. Also got Mafia II and Lego Star Wars 3, both of which are downloading as I am writing this. Now if you'll excuse me, I'ma go slay some bandits :twisted: