I dont know if I told you guys this, but On December 28th I got Skyrim. I have been playing tons of it since, and I now have completed the game and my Skyrim gamerscore is over 700. That was a truly amazing game. I give it a 10 out of 10 and recommend it to anyone. I'm not sure why Gamespot gave it a 9 because it definitely deserved a ten. Since then, I have been playing mainly Skyrim, but some Black Ops One in the Chamber and some Dead Island. Dead Island is actually a very good game. Elder Scrolls is easily my favorite RPG franchise, though Dead Island is surprisingly close. I could never get into Fallout 3, I thought it was too boring. Then I have not played Fable, and only played Dragon Age Origins briefly, though I hope to buy it soon. Also, Witcher 2 looks fun. I will definitely be getting it. My friend plays Star Wars TOR so I may be getting that. I am also getting PC Black Ops soon, dont know where that came from but... Overall I think RPG's are a bit boring sometimes, but overall I like them. My favorites are Elder Scrolls and Dead Island. Soooo yeah
3dfd Blog
4 years on Gamespot
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So last Wednesday marked my 4-year anniversary of Gamespot... yay
Anyone there??
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I havent been getting comments on my last 3 blog posts. I just wanted to know if you guys were still alive! Im doing science and I'm still alive. If there is something wrong like you can not leave a comment for whatever reason please PM me.
4 new Xbox games (Gears 3, Sims 3, Dead Island and Destroy all Humans)
by 3dfd on Comments
Hey guys. I just ordered 2 used Xbox games at Best buy and got 2 free. The games I got were Gears of War 3 (Looks fun, plus lots of my friends play it), Sims 3 Pets (Always wanted this game, mostly to make crude and insensitive names for my Sims then torture them :D sounds fun dont it - great way to eliminate stress), Dead Island (I didnt like the game when I rented it this summer, but people on Gamespot said to buy it and once you get into it, it'll be a great experience. So... I did.), and lastly Destroy all Humans!: Path of the Furon (I know the game's old and the reviews were pretty mediocre, but I am a huge fan of the first 2 games in this series, so hopefully this wont be too dissapointing)
Top 10 games of 2011
by 3dfd on Comments
10. TIE: Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 - While I hated everything in MW3 except Spec Ops Survival, that new mode was so good I needed it to be in this list. Battlefield 3 was great too, and even though I like the Bad Company games's campaigns better, Battlefield 3 has the best multiplayer in the series.
9. Infamous 2 - The new, colorful graphics are a great upgrade from the original, voice acting, while Cole is voiced by another actor, is great, story improved a ton, but what I really love about this game is you feel like a total badass.
8. Super Mario: 3D Land - Same old classic Mario, though Nintendo did a good job combining 2D Mario and 3D Mario. Also, for the first time since Super Mario Bros 3, you can play as Tanooki Suit again!! I'm all for it!
7. Gears of War 3 - While some things in Gears 3 haven't changed, it is still a great game and kicking alien butt as even funner then ever. The horde mode also returns, along with tons of varied, and, most importantly, fun game modes.
6. Portal 2 - Portal 2 is a great break from shooter games with over-the-top gore and frequent F-words. Instead, mini-guns are replaced with portal guns used to navigate through extremely cleverly designed levels using physics, and swearing is replaced with unique, hilarious dialouge. The cake is a lie!
5. Saints Row: The Third - I like Saints Row The Third, probably more then San Andreas, which is my favorite Grand Theft Auto. Its humor is absurd in a good way, and the game has improved so much from SR2. The campaign has improved the most, making you care about the characters, and feeling pride after eliminating a head of enemy gang. Activities, collectibles, and multiple endings to each chapter provide 40+ hours of gameplay
4. Bulletstorm - Like Saint's Row, this game is also humorous in a crude way. The thing I love about this game is that the game rewards you for being clever, and it also makes you seem like a badass. It added new weapons and gadgets such as a leash and a mighty kick.
3. Batman: Arkham City - I loved Arkham Asylum because it made you feel like Batman. However, the only thing I disliked about that game was the low replay value - sure, there were a few challenge maps, and you could free roam the asylum, but the challenge maps were boring and the free roam had no side-quests or anything. Arkham City does exactly what the first game lacked. Ten out of ten.
2. Minecraft - I as mearly as possible, tried to avoid MineCraft when all my friends were talking about it. I just started playing it when it finally came out in November, and I'm already addicted. The great things about this game are the limitless possiblities, the suspense and scare of the monsters, and the ultra-addictive online play. Cant wait for the Xbox version!
1. LittleBig Planet 2 - I am a creative person, but I actually didn't like LBP 1 when it first came out. I thought you had to be the most skilled platformer to complete the story mode and the level creator had too steep a learning curve. Once I got the basics, I became a skilled builder. LBP2 builds on every good thing about LBP 1. Not only is the story mode better, but there is so much more in the level builder - way more complex vehicles, main menus for your levels, people have actually made full games, so really you get so much more than your money is worth by buying LBP2, which is the main reason it is my Game of The year of 2011.
Guys please don't nag at me because I dont have (insert game here) on this list. Remember everyone is entitled to an opinion.
Just became a Minecraft addict!!! + a new South Park video game??
by 3dfd on Comments
HI guys!! Before yesterday, I though of Minecraft as this game that will probably take a while to learn how to play, and I also thought of it as a game only supergeeks play. I avoided it as much as possible, plus I didnt have 20 bucks to pay for it. Yesterday. my friend Matt showed me a way to get it free. I love it. I have already make a house with a dance floor and a minecart roller coaster. The amazing thing about this game is the infinite replay value. While on my version, you cant play multiplayer, the single player is just like the one out right now.
Also, when I just looged on to Gamestop, I looked at the top games and saw South Park for PS3. I was excited!! South Park is my favorite TV show (my second is Beavis & Butthead, my third is The Simpsons, I HATE family guy) What's the gameplay going to be like? Do you think the game will get bad reviews like the Nintendo 64 South Park games??
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