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An EPIC finish!

USA finishes their group play in EMPHATIC form with a goal in the 91st minute. Landon Donovan just wrote his name in sports history in the USA. This goal allowed the U.S. to jump Slovenia AND England to win Group C and avoid playing Germany in the first round. They will play Ghana, which still being a strong opponent, won't be as bad as Germany. This has been an extremely exciting World Cup to date, and the group rounds are almost over. It's amazing that the tournament is already this good and the knockout stages haven't started! I hope this raises the interest in the USA over soccer.

I suppose I'll make another blog soon after the Cup.

An update.

So, last time we talked, I still had tonsils. Now, I'm in miserable pain and can't eat anything that I want to eat and more importantly, if I could eat what I wanted, I wouldn't be able to. The pain from this stinkin' tonsillectomy is more than I ever expected. I figured the doc was just trying to butter me up for something small, but I realize now that when he said, "it'll be the worst pain of your life for 2 weeks," that he wasn't kidding. I've been in miserable, miserable pain. I'm currently on day 9. The pain has diminished significantly over the past 2 days, but I'm still having some pain here and there every time I swallow. The scabs have yet to come off, so that's a bummer. Once day 14 comes around on Tuesday, June 1st, I'll be able to hopefully eat a regular diet again. At least, that's what I'm praying for! The first few days after the surgery got progressively worse as each day passed, and on day 5 I thought I was going to die. I had nausea throughout the day. I woke up at 9 that morning and didn't fall asleep until 2 the next morning, and yes, I still had nausea when I fell asleep. Luckily for me now, the nausea doesn't come around as often, and I hope to be recovering on a quicker schedule than was given me. I hope I go in for the check up and the doc's amazed at my can only hope.

So, I've been playing the mess out of the new Fifa 2010 South Africa World Cup game, and at first I really wasn't impressed with it and the game seemed to be lacking something from Fifa 10. But as I've played it over the week, I've noticed that nothing was missing, it was that there was something was the fact that this game feels more real. The passing, shooting, running all feels more authentic and less...linear? I don't know. It feels like a better experience is what I'm trying to hint at.

There's been NOTHING for me to do in my house outside of watching movies and playing the good ol' xbox. Not that I'm really complaining...but I feel the need to get in touch with outsideagain. I've literally been out of the house maybe 3 times since last Tuesday. Literally. And it's been b-e-a-utiful weather outside. That, or it's just my desire to go outside that makes it look great.

My fiance had to move out of her apartment and make home (2 hours away). She only had to because she's done with her class taking in her college career. She's moving on to a promising internship (hopefully) that really caters exactly to her desires for life. I'm hoping she gets to get a job there after the internship is over with. Only time will tell. Speaking of time, I wish I could be spending this time with her, instead of 2 hours away. Withdrawals are sinking in. :(

David Villa is at Barcelona! WOOOOOOO! He's been one of my favorite players for a long time, and he's finally came to the blaugrana!He's going to be a great replacement for that wash-up we got last season in Zlatan Ibrahimovic. Granted, I wasn't expecting Ibra to be amazing or anything, but I didn't expect him to be a non-factor in just about every game he played. Geeez. You are getting paid 45 million euros, play the game! Today also marked Real Madrid firing another coach in frustration of winning nothing. Lolz at them. I love how they spent billions of the moneyz on players that produced them a whopping zero amount of trophies. Congratulations...losers. Visca el Barca!

World Cup in 15 days. Who will/will not be watching? Who will you be rooting for? For's the Italians. If the Italians go bye bye, then I suppose I'll root for Spain, since they have many of my club's team members playing (Xavi, Bojan, Pedro, Valdes, Iniesta, David Villa, hopefully Cesc Fabregas soon!!!!) The Americans don't stand a chance at beating England in their group stage match up. I mean, let's face it, it's England. They live and BREATHE football. I looked at a poll today on a website that over 20,000 people voted on, and it was "How interested are you in the World Cup?" (this being for the US) and the numbers didn't fail to humor me...This is why I hate being an American soccer fan----"39% not interested, 33% interested, 28% don't care." Are you freaking kidding me?! It's the WORLD CUP!!!! Only the GREATEST championship the world has EVER seen! If you can't get excited about the world coming to a halt to watch a 90 minute match, what canyou get excited about in sports?

Sorry for the super duper long blog. I'm trying to get myself tired, it's 0345 hours. Yikes. So long.

Dean's List!

Well, I'm officially done with my Junior year at my university. And I must say that I pulled out an impressive 3.6 gpa with the classes I had taken. That marks me down for the second Dean's List I've made in my 6 semesters. I probably could have easily made more, it's just that sometimes, I just don't care. Nonetheless, I'm out! Out of school for at least 3 months!

There's only one thing that could put a damper on my summer...and that one thing happens to be happening in 5 days. I'm getting my tonsils removed on May 18. Yes, I am 21 and I'm just NOW getting my tonsils removed. Apparently it's going to cause pain for a good week, which I'm not feeling excited about. But I suppose that gives me a free week and a reason to sit in front of the tv to play some good ole Xbox and watch some 24 on Netflix. Not a bad trade off.

Reach: Beta impressions. While being a new spin on the Halo franchise, I just wasn't completely satisfied with the gameplay. Yeah, it was fun, yeah I enjoyed it. But it just wasn't the good game I was hoping. I know it's just a Beta, and the whole reason is to find some exploits and mistakes that were made, but there were a TON of things wrong with the Beta. I'm not even going to begin to start, because I'll be here all day, but one peeve I had with it was the Guard class. You should never have the ability to do a super spin out of being armor locked and bash someone who is DIRECTLY behind you right after you get out of the lock. I don't know how many times I had that happen to me. I would be standing behind them and right as they get out of the armor lock, I go to assassinate them, and the camera that they can still control in armor lock is trained on me and they get to spin around like Superman and beat me down like I was cake. That should never be able to happen. Anyway, that was only one problem I had with it.

Other than all that's going on right now, I suppose I'll see you online. rolfcopterz v2 for you Live junkies out there.

See you on the flip side of my surgery.


So, here we are again, and I've been recovering for the past 5 days from a sickness that made me feel like I was dying. It wasn't the best 5 days of my life. In fact, it was probably one of the worst sicknesses I've had in recent years. So bad, I vomited and it's been since I was a little kid just about since I last vomited from an actual illness. Grossness aside, did anyone watch the 20 inning game that the Cardinals and Mets put on last night? That was amazing!

Been playing the mess out of Fifa and Conviction recently. Padding those stats in my online ranking for head to head on Fifa now. I'm something like 46-2-17 I believe. Not too shabby if I might say so myself. But I'm sure someone on here has played it more than me and has a better record. I'm all up for a challenge if anyone wants to pose one!

Our last softball game before the tournament is tomorrow. Pretty exciting. To add to that, there is only literally 10 school days left until finals, which is amazing and frightening at the same time. Frightening because it's my fiance's last semester at school before she goes off and leaves me at her internship...

So tell me guys, any plans for your summer? How are your semesters going? Any games you recommend me to play or want to play with me? Let's make this interactive between you and I. I want to hit this blog thing off! I'm tired of only like 2 responses more times than not! I'm vouching to make my posts more interactive.

That is all. Signing off world! See you in the early wee hours of the morning. (unfortunately)

GS screws up another review.

Congrats GS, you are good at botching reviews for good games. You give the games that have tremendous hype good reviews that don't deserve them, and games like Conviction a terrible review because it's not a FPS or fantasy RPG. We all know by now your love for top-of-the-line games, but you've got to give credit where it is due. An 8.0 does not give Conviction justice in the least bit. What a disgrace.


5 years as a G-spotter

Well, today marks my 5th year on this account on Gamespot. I suppose a party is in order.

Conviction comes out at midnight tonight, and I will be all over that. I'll probably have a little review thing posted up within the week, so be expecting some news from that. Other than that, 3 weeks until the semester is over!

Only a few more weeks...

Well, here we are close to the beginning of April, and just like that...the semester is almost over. Only 5 more weeks of it left! I suppose I'll be pretty busy until the beginning of May, but I'll still be around.

It's only 77 days until the World Cup!

Opening day of baseball season is April 5th. Go Cardinals!

Conviction is April 13th. Can't wait for that one.

Food for thought.

Finally 21!

Well, now I'm officially 21 and let's say, it's awesome.

Avatar in 3D is awesome.

New soccer league starts on Sunday. There's a league of 17 teams and there's a tournament at the end. Seems like it's going to be a good season. Let the games begin!

Birthday = tomorrow

So, I've never had so many people look forward to my birthday before! But, it's because of Final Fantasy...haha. :lol:

But yeah, I'll be 21 in about 12 hours from now and in another month I'll be celebrating 5 years on this website. Pretty cool.


So, I went to a show last night with Deas Vail (from my hometown of Russellville, Arkansas), LIGHTS, and Owl City.

I must say, it was all around the best concert I have ever been to. All of them were amazing live. LIGHTS was the highlight of the show, by far. Her voice is amazing! And, what's better is that she plays WoW! Anyway, I have a picture with me and her!

Ah...Eye candy.