What is Microsoft's answer? Virtually unlimited marketing funds. M$ will probably have Lady Liberty decked out in full Master Chief attire to promote their next console.
well folks. Looks like Half Life 3 will definitely be launching with VIRTUAL REALITY SUPPORT. (that felt amazing to type) **** parentheses THAT FELT AMAZING TO TYPE. seriously- somebody else type that- it feels amazing. so sticky. everything is so sticky all of the sudden.
are you both referring to "I like this phone.... its a nice fucking phone." or maybe he says "I like this phone... this is a nice fucking phone." I cant remember which, but I can remember he doesn't say f...ing. he says fucking, like ****.
@Fandango_Letho Agreed. First half of the game was completely awesome, and then BAM. My character becomes this extremely annoying stereotypical Jake Sully guy who dances with wolves and Pocahontas in fern gully with the last samurai. And my favorite character is no longer around to save the plot from seeming as contrived and generic as it actually is.
4-Legged-Shark's comments