Yeah ill spend sometime on Test Range and with a strong drink to go with it, to see if I can forget the SP of BF4, MP is brilliant, SP is jaw dropping bad, lets not talk about it ......
I'v seen also IGN review, and they also point the same issues and then some more yet they gave the game a 7.8, I think 7.8 is overscoring this game, while I think 6 is underscoring it, for everything I'v seen I think 7 or 7.5 is the right score, also guys srysly its called reviewing, and not called "lets slap the same score that is on metacritic".
They should release tiers of this going down all the way to $300, that would make them allot of money, plus the already have the R&D for it, putting the Rift in serious trouble, idk maybe Sony might wise up, but at this price tag that Headset is nothing more then a expensive toy.
Actually Titan was scratch recently they said the project wasn't going in the right direction so the started from the ground up, we won't see this game any time soon, I kinda understand Blizzard tho its not easy to follow up to a game like WoW that on the top of its game had 12m subscribers, I don't think Blizzard left this game to die, there's so much you can do on a 10 year old game, but WoW is slowly dieing, they just have to put Titan out before that happens to avoid losing their massive Fan Base.
Problem with tribes was the grinding, played it for a while but the grinding is just to big if you are not willingly to spend money, to me an F2P mostly should focus cosmetic items for markets not exp boosts and what not.
To be honest I dislike Subscription models and F2P models, so far the best model I'v seen was GW2 you buy it once and that it, if you wan't you can buy stuff on the store, mostly aesthetic or useful but not OP, its the best of both worlds, buying the game helps paying for the development while the market store helps keeping the servers and give profit.
404FredNotFound's comments