and why does this matter?Tjeremiah1988cause i see people saying microsoft is worth more! look at the market capital. this is the point. whos worth more.
600pc's forum posts
[QUOTE="JLF1"]Are you sure about that?IronBass
Yes, yes I am.
Nintendo Market Cap: 37.92 B.
Sony Market Cap: 26.57 B.
actually sony is worth more. you have to look at their Total assets. sony 200 Billion (2009) microsoft 72.793 billion (2008)It's also a hundred dollars cheaper.[QUOTE="DonPerian"][QUOTE="dgsag"] PS2 nearly outsold the 360...JLF1
So is the 360 compared to the PS3.
wow at PS3 costing 200$ more![QUOTE="Fizzman"]
I read somewhere that the cell is more powerful than the most powerful quad core cpu's. It's a drastically different architecture though not necessarily readily accepted as of yet. The cell is more powerful than a quad core cpu though at straight number crunching. In the real world that's another story. 1 cell processor>1 straight line quad core however. It's like an engine man. Is a straight like 6 cylinder more power than a v-6? But the cell was compared pretty readily to quad core cpu's when it was released and that is the probably the closest comparion right now as far as pure powah.
Just curious i have never seen an analysis between Quad Core based CPU's and the Cell would you happen to have a link or two so that i could see. Not flaming im just genuinely curious to see how they stack up.
I've been reading a bunch. Ill see what i can find. I don't get into all the technical crap too much either although i have CS degree.
But my understanding is 1 core and 7 spu's is > quad core pc in straight number crunching scenarios though. It's actually more powerful because of its architecture and the way things are allocated. The difference is that will not translate into the real world right nwo because operating systems and branching is not set up to handle the cell as of yet. The software hasn't caught up. It may never because it's a war and intel and microsoft have their own plans on what they think is better right now and what they can sell.
THANKS FOR YOUR TIME AND INFORMATION!!! that was what i was expecting kind asking.. i have nothing to prove. he answered, i want facts[QUOTE="600pc"][QUOTE="kidcool189"] you prove otherwiseFizzman
Considering Intel CPU's are based off of X86 architecture whereas the Cell is not i personaly wouldnt be able to provide an accurate performance analysis. The only logical explanation as to whyan Intel based quad core CPU is betterbecause the Cell is 2+ years old inside the PS3, and at its launch was still inferior to most CPU's at the time. Look at the GPU's of the PS3, and Xbox360 they are incredibly outdated compared to any PC videocard. I could only imagine a Q9550 would annhilate the Cell in gaming applications considering the cell cannot even run todays most advanced game Crysis. Unless of course Crytek ported it over with minimum settings.
we are talking CPU mate.PROVE IT !!!! Quad Core can play this[QUOTE="600pc"][QUOTE="Fizzman"]
Intel bya mile.
Teh Cell cannot. :P
double FACEPALM[QUOTE="600pc"][QUOTE="Fizzman"]PROVE IT !!!! you prove otherwise 3.2 GHz Cell with 8 SPEs delivering a performance equal to 100 GFLOPS on an average double precision Linpack 4096x4096 matrix.(wikipedia)Intel bya mile.
[QUOTE="600pc"][QUOTE="Fizzman"]PROVE IT !!!! you prove otherwise im asking.. i have nothing to prove. he answered, i want factsIntel bya mile.
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