600pc's forum posts
awesome indeed! i read it a long time ago... and got across it by chance, so i wanted to share.That was awesome!
keep on gaming PC gamer CoH, Oblivion, Medieval 2: Total War , WiC, BioShock, The Witcher, CoD4= great DIVERSITY. RTS FPS RPG[QUOTE="600pc"][QUOTE="raynimrod"]
This whole thread is rubbish. The logic of the TC seems to be skewed, but that doesn't really surprise me.
Considering my old 8800GTX got to see a bigger leap in visual bliss (a wonderful experience btw) from it's time of purchase to it's time of disposal than any console this gen has or will ever see, negates this thread's fundamental argument.
I got to see beautiful visuals in games like CoH, Oblivion, Medieval 2: Total War in 2006, then the improvements in games like WiC, BioShock, The Witcher, CoD4 and then yes, my 8800GTX got to witness the visual marvel that is Crysis - able to run on Very High and High settings at 1680x1050.
Funny, I didn't upgrade my video card at all during the end of 2006, all of 2007 and early 2008... yet the games just kept looking better...Odd ;)
Lol @ the new account.
And I didn't realise this thread was about game dirversity... perhaps you should pay attention, have a read of the OP and then post something sensible.
""""""console CPUs are not high performace either"""! here you show your ignorance. and METAL GEAR SOLID 4 RUNS AT 1080P UPSCALED YES. upscaled or not upscaled = HD mmm PC are not better than CONSOLEs! and in many ways consoles are better for some types of games.[QUOTE="600pc"][QUOTE="AnnoyedDragon"]
GPU decay? What are you on about?
What I did gather from your post is wrong in both cases. Games today are more GPU heavy than CPU heavy, ((((((((console CPUs are not high performance eithe))))))r.
Capcom compared the 360s CPU to a dual core Pentium 4, I'd hardly call that high end.
A lot of games are sub-720p, that are upscaled to 720p by the dev. I think that's why AnnoyedDragon said "sub-HD".
Console CPU's are not that high-performance, and will usually pale in comparison to a full blown PC CPU.
Also, consoles are not necessarily better for some types of games, that is just subjective, as not everyone will agree.
games like ROCK BAND and LITTLE BIG PLANET ARE console exclusives. name two PC games better than those of the same genre?????? pc cpu vs cell??????[QUOTE="UMBRAlingering"]console games improve in graphics quality over the years while you need to buy a new graphics card for the PC to experience the same. thats the advantage of having standard hardware. thats one reason why some people prefer console over PC. thats why you shoudlnt say "PC owns console". both have advantages.both have good games. raynimrod
This whole thread is rubbish. The logic of the TC seems to be skewed, but that doesn't really surprise me.
Considering my old 8800GTX got to see a bigger leap in visual bliss (a wonderful experience btw) from it's time of purchase to it's time of disposal than any console this gen has or will ever see, negates this thread's fundamental argument.
I got to see beautiful visuals in games like CoH, Oblivion, Medieval 2: Total War in 2006, then the improvements in games like WiC, BioShock, The Witcher, CoD4 and then yes, my 8800GTX got to witness the visual marvel that is Crysis - able to run on Very High and High settings at 1680x1050.
Funny, I didn't upgrade my video card at all during the end of 2006, all of 2007 and early 2008... yet the games just kept looking better...
Odd ;)
keep on gaming PC gamer CoH, Oblivion, Medieval 2: Total War , WiC, BioShock, The Witcher, CoD4= great DIVERSITY. RTS FPS RPG[QUOTE="UMBRAlingering"]you always talk about GPU. remember that CPUs are more important in consoles than GPUs. thats why they use specified high performance CPU to counter the GPU decay.AnnoyedDragon
GPU decay? What are you on about?
What I did gather from your post is wrong in both cases. Games today are more GPU heavy than CPU heavy, ((((((((console CPUs are not high performance eithe))))))r.
Capcom compared the 360s CPU to a dual core Pentium 4, I'd hardly call that high end.
""""""console CPUs are not high performace either"""! here you show your ignorance. and METAL GEAR SOLID 4 RUNS AT 1080P UPSCALED YES. upscaled or not upscaled = HD mmm PC are not better than CONSOLEs! and in many ways consoles are better for some types of games.
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