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789shadow Blog

Yet Another Weekend.

It's Saturday yet again,and nothing eventful has happened for a while.I'm going to get my hair cut in a bit,but that's really nothing to talk about is it?:P

So,who do you guys think will win the Super Bowl?Steelers or Cardinals?

Stop Asking Me For Predictions.

I am not the new Nostradamus,okay????:evil::P

LOL,anyway,school wasn't canceled today,just a crummy two-hour delay.:(And now I have to start thinking about the 10th grade research paper....>_>

In Accordance With The Prophecy.....

I had a snow day today,exactly what I predicted in my last blog.I'm the new Nostradamus!!!!!!:P

Actually there's not much to say,other than my knee hurts cause' for some reason I've had it bent most of the day.:x

A Certain Song Would Fit This Day Well.

Today,is a teacher workday,so I don't have to go to school.Of course,since it's snowing,I might not end up going tomorrow either.However,snow alone won't cancel school.It's all the glorious road-icing freezing rain and sleet that's supposed to fall tonight that will.:twisted:

Plus,that stuff will sometimes freeze over the snow,making it as hard as ice,and that stuff melts very slowly.:twisted:If that happens,school could be out for quite a while.;)

So,I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the weather goes my way.:D


Ah,The Joy Of Filling In Bubbles.

Yes,I spent today taking three mid-term exams,one of which I wasn't even supposed to be taking today but had to reschedule because of the cruise.Of course,to take it,I had to stay after school,meaning I had to walk home.Oh well,gotta do em' sometime,right?:P

I would have blogged Saturday,but my old procrastination habits caught up with me,and I would have blogged Sunday had my dad not decided I had had enough time for the weekend already.:x

I also canceled my Total Access membership,since Gamespot has gotten rid of nearly everything I signed up for in the firstplace,specifically the Gamespot Ice scheme.>_>I will miss being able to change my username's color in the forums,though.The blue goes really nicely with my avatar.:PHowever,I'll be abl;e to keep all the stuff until summer,since that's when the subcription expires.


Quite A Lot To Talk About........

I was planning to blog last night,but I ended up spending most of my time working on a Spanish review packet.

Anyway,I'm guessing you're all waiting to hear about my cruise,but I'm not in the mood to go into much detail.So I'll describe it in one run-on sentence.:P

Flew to Ft.Lauderdale got on the massive boat,seriously,it almost had an entire shopping mall in it,food was heavenly,swam with dolphins in Grand Cayman but it was over to quickly rode horses in the ocean in Jamaica watched repeating DVD's of Cartoon Network when I was in the cabin played bingo and lost watched the playoffs and the Inaguration parade and flew back.

That covers it with the least amount of effort possible.:P



So,What Are You Guys Doing This Weekend??

It can't possibly be better than my 5-day Caribbean cruise that I leave for tomorrow.:P

Anyway,not much is happening,besides tonight's episode of CSI being delayed 15 minutes because of a Presidential Address.:xIt's not even a big deal,but I hate it anyway.:PIt's not like he'll say anything beyond "Please stop throwing rocks at me.".:P

And for some reason my Spanish midterm will have stuff we never did in it.:?

And that's my life right now.

Captain Scowlyface Returns.

I watched the first hour of the new season of American Idol last night.It appears nothing has changed.Same dumb attention freaks,same decent singers,same great singers,same unsensitive Simon,same high-on-something Paula,same mildly-dumb Randy.Oh,and there was that new judge,but I can't even remember her name,much less her doing anything important.:P

Midterms Prelude.

It is now officially midterm season,based on the review packets I got in every single class today.Of course,we actually have to work in them.Can't we ever just be given the answers to memorize?:P

And the situation for the missed midterms is definitely not as bad as my ruminating last blog may have led you to believe.I'll just have to stay after school on other midterm days,which is helped by those days being half the length of normal school days.

Anyway,there's not much else to report,so adios!

Mankind Has Never Invented A More Insidious Torture Device.

We did the pacer today in PE.If you're in,or have ever been in,high school,you should know what I'm talking about.If you don't,you are extremely fortunate indeed.The pacer is where you have to run from one side of the gym to the other under an increasingly demanding time limit.And you have to do this,like,24 times to pass.By the end it hurts to breath because it feels like someone has shoved a rock down your throat.My strategy is to quit as soon as I've done the minimum required laps to pass.

And now I'm worried about the midterms I'm going to miss because of the cruise this weekend.My AP said the people or committee or whatever won't like it.:|She also said I definitely won't be able to take them before the cruise.

But the bright spot is that the Pittsburgh Steelers won last night and advanced to the AFC Championship against the Baltimore Ravens.:)(But I'll be on the cruise during that game.:(Hopefully they'll have TV on the boat....:P)