@7tizz: Interesting. You use the "If sales were an indicator of quality, then the Wii should be better than the 360/PS3/X1/PS4" as an argument for defending the X1's performance, yet you freely use it as proof that Call of Duty games are high quality.
The way I see it, I don't think a campaign is necessary. TF is an MP arena game. It shouldn't try to masquerade as an SP game. Should Ferrari convert all of their sports cars to sedans so people can take them on road trips?
Every movie these days has 2 more sequels in the works come launch day (and by in the works, I mean as little as an idea in someone's head). This isn't news. It's just a question if they'll cancel those sequels or not based on the performance of the first film.
93ChevyNut's comments