We cried fowl when they introduced microtransactions for cosmetic things and the Destiny defenders said, "Calm down, it doesn't help you in the game." And now this...
Granted, level 25 isn't anything as the game really hasn't even started at that point, but still, you see the progression. It won't be long before you can buy certain pieces of gear with real cash.
Destiny gamers, feel free to continue enjoying the game. That's your right. Just know that it's just a matter of time before you face off against an opponent with the same gear as you and did zero raids and strikes to get it.
Hey Eddie, GTA 5 (or V) is not the same as GTA Online. There's misleading headlines and then there's completely inaccurate ones. This one is the latter.
I would like to see a game where you pay, for example, $30 and you essentially get access to a F2P game with $30 worth of credit, without the option to buy more.
93ChevyNut's comments