Should it matter who has the "best" lineup? No, it shouldn't. If PS4 releases 5 great games and X1 releases 4 great games, then that's 9 great games I get to play. Pretty simple math to me.
As for the review roundup, I really like the reviewers that don't have a number associated with it. It forced me to read the reviewer's opinion. I wish GS would do the same.
@steadymercury: @SavageEvil SteadyMercury is right on the nose. For months, Destiny was all I played and all I thought about (from a gaming perspective). Finally deciding to give it up and play something else is a paradigm shift. In fact, because of the action-packed gunplay that is Destiny, I had to really work hard to adjust to the slower-paced games.
To answer your original question, is necessary that I say it? No, it certainly isn't. But, right, wrong, or indifferent, that's how social media works. Even your completely unnecessary attack on a complete stranger is all part of the social media experience. You and I are both contributors to that. That being said, I'm not sure how I'm "clearly off topic" when I'm talking about Destiny on a Destiny article. Now, if I was yammering on about x1 vs ps4, then yes, that would be off topic.
93ChevyNut's comments