@RabbiSchmuley @spartanx169x @93ChevyNut I'll take your advice and try to approach it with an open mind. I'm not a fan of the clickfest control schemes (was a console gamer long before I built a PC) but I think I need to come back to the game. Thanks!
Please be kind to me, this is an honest question. How do you control Geralt in Witcher 2? I have Witcher Enhanced Edition and Witcher 2 on Steam, and really didn't like the control scheme of clicking on an enemy to attack it. I gave up on the first Witcher (and never tried the 2nd one) because I didn't like the control scheme.
The above video looks a little more like Demon/Dark Souls controls (left stick roam, right stick camera, lock on targets). Was that how Witcher 2 was controlled?
I've never wanted a feature to fail on any console, but I sincerely hope this pricing structure fails hard. The last thing we need is gaming companies to stop "selling" games and start charging us a fee for the privilege of renting the games.
I've been a gamer of all platforms for a lot of years and played a ton of FPS on PC (starting with Quake 1). Although I'm FAR more effective in PC FPS games, there's a difference in the way I "feel" when I'm using a controller. I point and click all day at work. When I point at a virtual target in Battlefield and fire (with a mouse click), the only difference between that mechanic and choosing cell in a spreadsheet is image I'm clicking on. Whereas a controller, although less precise, makes me "feel" like I'm playing a video game. I'm not sure if that makes sense to anyone else.
@hermitkiller You sound like a kid who just discovered his first emulator while the rest of us have moved on. Pirating software puts you at the bottom of the gaming community barrel. Great job exemplifying the PC gamer stereotype, t00lbag.
I've thought of stepping away from GS just to preserve those "wow" moments in gaming. Even reading the comments section has become detrimental. Seeing a bunch of people hate a game that I might like will inevitably affect my opinion of it. I don't like to admit it but it's true.
I remember playing the original Zelda on NES and discovering the master sword for the first time. My friend, his brother, and I tried and tried to get it but we didn't have enough heart containers. But the beautiful part was, we didn't know that's what we needed. We had no internet to tell us. I think fondly of my friend's brother postulating that we had to approach the sword at an angle because that's how it was displayed (compared to the other swords that were displayed vertically). It's that type of discovery that we're missing.
Sometimes I wonder if that's why I play so many video games today. Am I doing it in hopes of reliving those moments?
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