@mkygod @barrybarryk If the win payout has been lowered to encourage microtransactions, then that goes against the purity of the game. If not, then it's just a grinding bypass, and I really don't have a problem with that.
The problem lies in that we'll never know if the win payout was adjusted. The devs and pubs make it sounds like it's the latter, but we'll never know. I call it Shrodinger's microtransactions :).
We've already seen that with Grand Theft Auto Online. Because of all the launch issues, Rockstar gave $500,000 of in-game money to every player as an apology. Then they go and lower the prize payouts shortly afterward. I'm sure that part of their business strategy for GTA V included a certain amount of money earned through microtransactions, but they did not plan on handing out in-game money because they didn't anticipate the launch issues. So naturally they adjusted win payouts to encourage that. That's what gamers are retaliating against.
I love it when the Steam sales go live and I love it when they end. I just can't pass on a good deal, but that means spending around $50 for games I wasn't initially planning to spend. Oh well, first world problems I guess.
@john_matrix8953 @prats93 John, you haven't exactly proven that you know anything except how to fire off one-line insults like this one or "Says Xbone fanboy" or "Says troll".
93ChevyNut's comments