@landivas It's nice to know, about Blizzard refunding people who were disappointed. But, I love this game and definitely believe it's $60 well spent. I agree that a few things feel off, lack of points and skill tree makes it seem less deep, but not a big deal at all currently. And, I like that they attempted to make changes.
LOL, why are the fanboys so mad when someone points out a game that seems to be fizzling? Its hard to argue that after so much anticipation, that TOR is doing great. 1.3 million is not bad, but when they shed 23.5% in three months its pretty bad and they are including a round of layoffs. Things need to turn around fast. So, it can be saved, but the fanboys need to do more.
@rrhammer Well said. But, those are only some developers, I do hear of some going out of business. THQ is almost gone, but I will find it funny when someone pays for my awesome gear and I lose to them until I find more awesome gear in diablo.
They stand to make so much money from all my loot. Oh well, I plan on having fun and if someone over powers me with an awesome weapon I sold to them, the price was paid.I lost to the better player.
$90 for an awesome game, that's cool, but I never finished the first one. Not sure why, but its been collecting dust ever since I got it. Not gonna take the chance again, as much as I like the franchise.
LOL, I am going to sell all my loot, to anyone that will pay me real money. Its a virtual item and just want to play the game. The fact that someone will pay me for my virtual items. Awesome!!!! Of course, I am going to need someone to pawn off this loot on.
They keep forcing it down our throats these days, that let them do this. Let's see what happens, I have already migrated to the PC, because of most of this BS. Let's see if they can keep me away.
Pay them before,Pay them now, Pay them again later. OR ELSE you will not get a full game and we will lock down your system. Its not like we even control our systems and game library anymore. I just pay them and want to enjoy the game.
I want to disagree with her, but the idea is genius. She is right for suggesting an option and I love her writing and contributions to these games. I want to say the story feels like a reward for the game, but I have wished for a fast forward button sometimes. Bioware needs to protect its employees. If this was Valve, the ban hammer would have come down so hard, their internets would be broken.
ACMC85's comments