[QUOTE="timbers_WSU"][QUOTE="rell84"] what's crazy is you an xbox Stanrell84The Hell does that mean? Is you's a PS3 katie? another xbox stan I do own a ps3 what have Microsoft done for gaming but show others how to charge online fees xbox never had games that's why I never owned one and yet they annihilated sony in software sales. ouch
AD216's forum posts
Final fantasy is rated T for teen for a reason. most jrpg's r kiddish games imo. so r platformers. nothing u or anybody else on here can say or do anything to change that.[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="rjdofu"] Both are very stupid statements.ryangcnx-2
Except you just contradicted youself there buddy.
Or are you one of those types who think if its not rated "M" then it's a game for the kiddies.
ohhh teens arent kids? come on man, u reaching now[QUOTE="AD216"]
i have 0 love for jrpg's at all. imo they r cartoony and aimed at lil kids
Go play Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts: Covenant and come back here and say that.
most not all. star ocean is still 1 of my all time favorites and it was a ps2 game. most jrpg games r trash imo[QUOTE="CaseyWegner"]
[QUOTE="AzatiS"] Congratulations Lems. You won this generation when PS3 released 1 year after X360 , when it had 13214 problems , when it was overpriced , when it had no major exclusives the first 2 years , when its architecture was bad and third parties favored X360 for the lead multi console , won a war vs a company with 7 billion losses also! Congratulations!!! Was close but you did it !! Was kinda difficult ha?
Only lems would congratulate their console that ended SECOND and won a problematic 3rd while they started race first by a big margin ... Gratz !! haha pathetic..
the 360 had disadvantages too. it was the successor to the relatively unpopular xbox. the ps2 was still wildly popular. it was plagued by the rrod issue. xbox live wasn't free. the library in its final few years didn't have a lot going for it.
Im not trying to say that x360 didnt deserve to win vs PS3 but come on Casey .. celebrate for being 2nd and win vs a company and a product that had so many problems since release let alone x360 was in the market a whole year more...I think its not something you need to celebrate for or say "congratulations" specially when the sales gap is sooo small.. Thats what im trying to say here not that 360 shouldnt "win" vs PS3.
EDIT : PS3 also lost major exclusives to X360 , multis looked better on X360 at start , it didnt had any awesome exclusive till MGS4 after almost 2 years in the market , was super expensive for majority of countries around the world , really bad marketing , CELL failed to make the big difference VS X360 games supposed will change gaming , Sony couldnt afford to lose more money than they already did so they couldnt cut price so they cut services from PS3 instead ( no more BC ).. and many more issues.
So my question is : X360 did so good to celebrate about it or PS3 did so bad instead and made X360 look like it did THAT good ?
selling over 50mil more consoles from 1 gen to the next is huge no matter how u look at it. damn, give he 360 some props for once.even the strategical parts of the games r childish. i really wanna see the age demographic or ppl that play that and kh[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="PannicAtack"] Rating are rather meaningless in this context. I'd say a lot of M-rated games are childish *coughcoughgodofwarcough*.Raziel831991
And whats the problem with a game being childish? A good game is a good game regardless of how childish it might be. And besides adults can perfectly enjoy games aimed for children or teens.
Also I would like to say that despite the fact games like call of duty, gears of war or halo are in theory aiming for a more "mature" audience, when I play those games on xbox live I constantly hear children shouting trough the mic. I f these games are so mature, why does this happen in the first place?
i can not enjoy these games aimed at children and i'm 27. a game is not good to me, if it doesnt appeal to me. as for halo and cod, i've hardly ever been matched up with kids. although i know quite a bit plays them[QUOTE="StormyJoe"]
Android - Better security, less crashing, more refined user experience.
Apple - American in name.
what a bunch of horse sh*t. I can't even get an Android phone (G3S, Droid) to work with Exchange w/o having to use a 3rd party app.
The default Android KB sucks (why is there no "return key" on text replies???). Had to get a 3rd party one.
The default browser sucks (it detects link "areas", so it's a crap-shoot if two links are together which one you will go to). Had to get a 3rd party one.
The only good thing about Android is that you can jail-break it. Android sucks in every other way compared to iOS.
Apple's weak security: http://money.cnn.com/2013/07/22/technology/apple-hacked/index.html
Apple's lousy engineering: http://www.forbes.com/sites/tomiogeron/2012/02/02/does-ios-crash-more-than-android-a-data-dive/
quit using old ios data to try an make a point. ios 7 is about to come out, we're at ios 6.1.3 now and ur talking bout ios 5? really?I don't even know what the show is about.faizan_faizani thought it was a damn toy lmao wow
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