Your mooing is always good for a laugh, Tormentos. That figure from Jan was a estimate, as was agrues and proven true in these forums back in January, and you know it. It was only a month or so ago that the real numbers came out which caused another hub-bub in SW. You were posting in the forums bothtimes.
Really in what part of that link gamestop stated that the xbox 360 is ahead.?
TC created a thread based on the 77 million number vs the 78.2 the xbox one,those 77 million are from january not from now,and all are estimates,MS count shipped numebers just liek sony..
The xbox 360 is last.
http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/01/10/report-ps3-surpasses-xbox-360s-worldwide-shipped-total shipped not sold. come on man, ur smarter than that
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