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#1 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

yes. i dnt differentiate between games at all, even when i'm on my ipad. great gameplay is great gameplay and vice versa.

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#2 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

both r solid games but u would be waaaay better of grabbing 13. 12's d is atrocious at best. if u have any skill in the game and u like to play on h.o.f and simulation, 13 is completely better. i'm telling u now tho, players hit shots in both games that they have absolutely no business hitting. it's almost like the people at 2k have either never played or watched bball before.

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#3 AD216
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it's outperforming the 2nd highest selling console of this gen and highest selling hd console of all time in preorder sales and some of u r questioning if it will be successful?.... :lol: :lol: :lol: f'n fanboys r hilarious


Spoken like a true moron.

Nobody was in a rush to pre-order a 360. We had just come off a gen where the Xbox sold what 25 mill?

and even with that year headstart the 360 lost to PS3. So, yeah....

lmao again, sony is in last place. the sooner u people realize this, the better off you'll be. sony hasnt released any kind of figures. and the fanboy shit mustve gone to yo head, the 360 wasnt available till close to spring time. so i'm guessing quite a few ppl were in a rush to grab it :lol: f'n lame
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#4 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts
[QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"]Hip hop gamer always carry gold belt. I watch your video. I embarrass you, and you get frustrate and talk ebonics- yo, r u, hoes, homies. I am improve english every day, please do not make fun. I am billionaire and you are carry fake gold wrestler belt. Back on discuss, everyone admits xbox last place. Why doesn't MS talk about if they were first place selling HD console, every credibile analyst and even friendly site Vgchartz says last place, MS would attempt to debunk if everyone was lies. MS does not attempt, because cannot debunk reality- xbox last place no game. Xbox was outsell by ps3 every year except one, despite much larger price. Was only ahead because launch year early. Own again. I would think, even with your world star hip hopping intelligence, you can eventual accept reality of favorite xbox console become last place. This is not case, you are stuck in denial. MS will never first place in console game yo, loser forever yo homie. MS only console maker to never win generation, go from 2nd to last and now last again in preorder :cool:

lmao what? this is why i say ur an idiot. nothing u say ever makes sense. and how many billionaires get on gamespot? u know what, this conversation is over. i've wasted too much time tlking to u. u should just put on the big red nose and the giant shoes and call it a day
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#5 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts
[QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"][QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"] Because everyone know that xbox is last place no game. Why rub common knowledge in competition face? MS is already having rough time, worst console reveal in history and worst game PR in history, why antagonize them more? We have more honor than this. If MS was not last place, then why not come out and deny? Why not tout being first place HD console? Because they know last place and pro MS website like vgchartz knows it. They give up on 360 years ago, and last place is result. Please do not cry. I know you invest so much in fail console, but you must forget about 360 like MS does and concentrate with other xbox lemrat like timber to help prevent xbone from become next 3DO.

lmao ur an idiot. ms has constantly said that they r the best although technically nintendo is the clear and decisive winner of this gen (unless u count pc). sony doesnt even put out figures, that's a tell tell sign of something being wrong right there. oh and about ur comment about sony not wanting to rub it in, they put a video out after e3 talking about "this is how u share games" lmao that blows through yo bs defense right there. sony wouldve been doing backflips talking about how they passed up ms. honestly, i dnt even think the ps3 has sold 75 million. but that's just my opinion.

How come xbox fan only resort to name calling and cannot debate. Hip hop gamer always calls "idiot", princesstito says "dumb@ss" 10 times in one thread because butthurt that I own. MS did not claim best selling HD console at e3, because everyone knows last place. Please do not cry. Sony talks about game sharing because want to help xbox gamer to enjoy this experience as well, and it work. MS flip flop soon after. You= own. All credible analyst and even pro MS site says that PS3 pass 360, yet no backflips- lmao blow yo bs defense right there. Good thing you are not analyst, because you would be broke and even have fake gold belt repossessed. PS3 is ahead and lead grow every day, lemrat have to learn to accept reality and stop tears. I will mail tissue.

lmao gold belt? i give up on trying to make sense out of anything u say. u own nothing, u just constantly embarrass yo self on the internet. what makes the situation even worse is that ur so lame, u get on here pretending to be a japanese guy until u get mad, then all of a sudden u can type perfect english lmao. but back to the discussion, sony doesnt put out figures which would seem to indicate that they have something to hide. why would ms talk about being the number 1 selling hd console when they have held that title for 7 years? i would think that even u, with ur limited amount of intelligence and intellect, would be about to figure that out.
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#6 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts
[QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"][QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"] Every credible analyst and even pro MS website like vgchartz admits that 360 is last. Only ones that deny is hip hop gamer and desperate xbox fan on this forum. Not only is xbox last, it falls further behind every day because no games to entice buyer. Last AAAE average game was 2 year ago, ps3 just get one of game of generation last month. Please do not cry because of fact- xbox last place no game. Xbone is last place in preorder as well. Go polish gold belt and please do not get tears on belt because will rust if metal.

lmao man those r estimates. sony has not put out any numbers and hasnt spoken on the subject at all. 1+1 will always equal 2. did u see the way sony celebrated with the drm? why wouldnt they come out and say they've passed the xbox? because it hasnt happened

Because everyone know that xbox is last place no game. Why rub common knowledge in competition face? MS is already having rough time, worst console reveal in history and worst game PR in history, why antagonize them more? We have more honor than this. If MS was not last place, then why not come out and deny? Why not tout being first place HD console? Because they know last place and pro MS website like vgchartz knows it. They give up on 360 years ago, and last place is result. Please do not cry. I know you invest so much in fail console, but you must forget about 360 like MS does and concentrate with other xbox lemrat like timber to help prevent xbone from become next 3DO.

lmao ur an idiot. ms has constantly said that they r the best although technically nintendo is the clear and decisive winner of this gen (unless u count pc). sony doesnt even put out figures, that's a tell tell sign of something being wrong right there. oh and about ur comment about sony not wanting to rub it in, they put a video out after e3 talking about "this is how u share games" lmao that blows through yo bs defense right there. sony wouldve been doing backflips talking about how they passed up ms. honestly, i dnt even think the ps3 has sold 75 million. but that's just my opinion.
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#7 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts
[QUOTE="timbers_WSU"][QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"] Every credible analyst and even pro MS website like vgchartz admits that 360 is last. Only ones that deny is hip hop gamer and desperate xbox fan on this forum. Not only is xbox last, it falls further behind every day because no games to entice buyer. Last AAAE average game was 2 year ago, ps3 just get one of game of generation last month. Please do not cry because of fact- xbox last place no game. Xbone is last place in preorder as well. Go polish gold belt and please do not get tears on belt because will rust if metal.

lmao man those r estimates. sony has not put out any numbers and hasnt spoken on the subject at all. 1+1 will always equal 2. did u see the way sony celebrated with the drm? why wouldnt they come out and say they've passed the xbox? because it hasnt happened

Not to mention Sony was combining PS2 and PS3 sales.

all the way up until earlier this year i believe. that's when they finally let the ps2 r.i.p after riding it for what? 14 years smh
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#8 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

price drop + games= boost in sales

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#9 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts
[QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"][QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Mr-Kutaragi"] Xbone outperforms ps3? We will see after launch hip hop gamer. Hopefully outperforms wii u, and does not become last place again like 360.

i hate to be the 1 to break this to u but the ps3 is in last. that's why sony refuses to ever put out official numbers.

Every credible analyst and even pro MS website like vgchartz admits that 360 is last. Only ones that deny is hip hop gamer and desperate xbox fan on this forum. Not only is xbox last, it falls further behind every day because no games to entice buyer. Last AAAE average game was 2 year ago, ps3 just get one of game of generation last month. Please do not cry because of fact- xbox last place no game. Xbone is last place in preorder as well. Go polish gold belt and please do not get tears on belt because will rust if metal.

lmao man those r estimates. sony has not put out any numbers and hasnt spoken on the subject at all. 1+1 will always equal 2. did u see the way sony celebrated with the drm? why wouldnt they come out and say they've passed the xbox? because it hasnt happened
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#10 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

i'm interested in this game so i might grab it at launch