yes. i dnt differentiate between games at all, even when i'm on my ipad. great gameplay is great gameplay and vice versa.
AD216's forum posts
both r solid games but u would be waaaay better of grabbing 13. 12's d is atrocious at best. if u have any skill in the game and u like to play on h.o.f and simulation, 13 is completely better. i'm telling u now tho, players hit shots in both games that they have absolutely no business hitting. it's almost like the people at 2k have either never played or watched bball before.
Spoken like a true moron.[QUOTE="AD216"]
it's outperforming the 2nd highest selling console of this gen and highest selling hd console of all time in preorder sales and some of u r questioning if it will be successful?.... :lol: :lol: :lol: f'n fanboys r hilarious
Nobody was in a rush to pre-order a 360. We had just come off a gen where the Xbox sold what 25 mill?
and even with that year headstart the 360 lost to PS3. So, yeah....
lmao again, sony is in last place. the sooner u people realize this, the better off you'll be. sony hasnt released any kind of figures. and the fanboy shit mustve gone to yo head, the 360 wasnt available till close to spring time. so i'm guessing quite a few ppl were in a rush to grab it :lol: f'n lameprice drop + games= boost in sales
i'm interested in this game so i might grab it at launch
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