1 bad console debut and everybody wants to throw over a hundred years of success down the toilet.
100 years of success? Nintendo has only been in the console business since the 80s. And since that time only the NES, SNES and Wii can really be called a "success" I think. N64 and GC were pretty big disappointments and alienated developers. Now the Wii U appears to be another disappointment. 50% console success. A coin toss. And only one of their successes came in the past 20 years.
they've been a card/game company since the 1800s. i was talking about the company as a whole. then when u factor in the fact that every console has sold 20-25+ million, u have no choice but to look at them as a success. they always find a way to stay relevant. and imo with them easily having the strongest 1st party support of any console maker, i believe they still have a chance to turn this around.edit: n64 and gc were great consoles imo so i dnt know what the hell ur talking about. devs were upset that they had to live up to the standards nintendo had set at the time
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