[QUOTE="ConanTheStoner"]^this.. Has sony done anything original in this industry ever? stealing nintendo's swag more and more every gen is original. the console shouldve been called the pswii60Man..
Playing the copying game with Sony as the victim just doesn't work lol.
AD216's forum posts
they made that announcement at e3 so no. oh and wrestling sucks
1 was an all time great. 2 was solid. 3 was solid. i'm begging these dudes to fix the mp. u cant have 6 on 6 hardcore tdm on next gen consolesMW1 was great, MW2 was good & MW3 were average at best !!
So MW4 is not a game i'll be looking forward to..Â
oh god no, not 3 cod's. this is getting ridiculous. not to mention how black ops 2 is releasing updated versions of black ops maps and nobody is saying shit about it...
what u r saying makes no sense. the gamecube and xbox both came with stronger consoles and a strong library of games, and still ended up getting outsold by over 40mil. not counting the 25-30mil that the ps2 had sold b4 they even hit the market. on the flipside. the wii chased down and dominated the 360 worldwide while the ps3 sold nearly the same amount. Then you didn't read him right. His point was, PS2, at the time of it's release, was the strongest on the market. The reason GC and Xbox didn't have a chance was they released far too late to overcome the advantage PS2 had by the time they released. This situation is quite different this time out. The WiiU is seriously struggling, and PS4 is releasing at the same time as X1, and at a cheaper price point too. Had Xbox and/or released at the same time as PS2, it is quite likely that era would have been quite a different outcome.[QUOTE="AD216"]
Let me refresh you damn memory since your bias doesn't let you remember well what happen between the xbox and PS2.
The xbox one and Ps4 will launch this year both very close,one is stronger than the other while been cheaper,now lets compare this to last gen.
The PS2 launch on March 4 2000,when it launch it was the most powerful console and was more powerful than most $1500 dollar PC as well,the xbox was release on November 2001,as you can see the PS2 was the strongest console on the market for 20 months,until the xbox arrived,by the time the xbox arrived the PS2 had like 22 million units sold and had a super line up of games here are some of the games Halo had to compete with on 2001.
GT3 which was high rated.
GTA3 which was high rated and a huge successful hit.
MGS2 which was again high rated.
FFX which was also high rated.
DMC high rated as well,and a truck load of fillers that were also good.
The xbox was so out gunned it wasn't even funny to compare it with the PS2,now this year the xbox and PS4 release and both have good games the xbox one doesn't have a huge advantage like the PS2 did.
The same could be say about teh N64 and the PS1,when the N64 arrived it was to late.
The whole 300,000 will be ready for 2015 not this holiday,the whole cloud is a hoax,and is just dedicated servers for games,which even the Ps3 has had in greater quantity than xbox live.
again, the XBOX 360 had a YEAR head start. same as the ps2 basically although the ps2 had a few more months than that. yet the ps3 is right there and the wii has undeniably dominated this gen. my point was that even after those 2 consoles were released, the ps2 outsold them by 40+ million. not saying that it sold 40mil but that the ps sold over 70mil compared to 30mil. on the flipside, the 360 was blown away by the wii regardless of the year head start. i never stated anything about the wii u.
oh god nohopefully square enix buys it and turns it into a jrpg :P
maize & blue! maize & blue! maize & blue! that is all.
[QUOTE="AD216"]wii? 100+mil > 77mil? PS2..??PS2 157m>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Wii 100M. comparing consoles from 2 different gens to create a valid point?[QUOTE="AtariKidX"]Wii U it is not even next generation platformer.......WiiU it is current generation system.And the King of the current generation is the PS3.Also Rayman legends it will be on PS3/XBOX360....the rest are meh.AtariKidX

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