bf4 is also on x1, u do know that right?a. the superior version will be in pc, but keep dreaming with the magic cloud, also not sure why lems brag about multiplats as if they were exclusives
b. battlefield 4 mp trailer destroys this
AD216's forum posts
lmmfao ok so you're not a hypocrite when u embrace when 1 company does something, but hate on the other company who was trying to do the very same thing? how tf doesn't that make people hypocrites? :lol: the fanboy idiocy[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="StrongBlackVine"]
You are not very intelligent and hypocrisy has nothing to do with what you said.
Small indie games are typically not sold as physical copies. Give the name of some games that would have been retail on PS3, but are DD only on PS4. You can't do it because you are full of shit.
games are games right? or does that not apply anymore? sony is releasing MORE THAN HALF of their LAUNCH titles as digital downloads. they only have 3 exclusive titles on shelves in stores and 15 TOTAL games from major publishers. it's not about rather it's indie or not. sony fanboys are embracing the overall quantity over quality. which again makes yall hypocrites after what yall said about the 360.[QUOTE="AD216"]
yeah i feel what you're saying. kinda like how sony fanboys hated how ms wanted to go digital but embraces how 18 outta 33 sony games will be digital only smh the fanboy hypocrisy :lol:
edit: 18 outta 33 at launch
You are not very intelligent and hypocrisy has nothing to do with what you said.
lmmfao ok so you're not a hypocrite when u embrace when 1 company does something, but hate on the other company who was trying to do the very same thing? how tf doesn't that make people hypocrites? :lol: the fanboy idiocy[QUOTE="Malta_1980"]
I'm probably the only one who felt this but this game reminded me of The Last Guardian!!
Also is it exclusive to PS4 ? cause I'm hoping for a PSV version :)
Not sure, but either way this game looks amazing, definitely a system seller gtfoh. never will that game be a system seller.
yeah i feel what you're saying. kinda like how sony fanboys hated how ms wanted to go digital but embraces how 18 outta 33 sony games will be digital only smh the fanboy hypocrisy :lol:
edit: 18 outta 33 at launch
Chris, what do boobs feel like? Also, cn you locate the cl*toris for extra points?
[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"]i understand that but it should be more about people being able to have mature discussions about their personal preference. not about trolling and flaming. Dude, this a board dedicated to arguing over plastic boxes, its a miracle we even have any form of discussion on here. :lol: you're right, i just remember how this site used to be before the kids took over.But this is system wars, there's a variety of other forums here as well.
lmao it's killing the site. it's more troll threads than informative ones[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="ReadingRainbow4"]
Trolling is part of the fun of this site.
But this is system wars, there's a variety of other forums here as well.
i understand that but it should be more about people being able to have mature discussions about their personal preference. not about trolling and flaming.[QUOTE="AD216"]When mods were in complete control with strict rules, people complained. When mods were simply in oversight mode with lax rules, people complain. It's lose-lose either way. some of the mods were abusing their power banning people for the smallest things but at the same time, there should be some kind a rule in place to completely eliminate trollers from this site.i remember when the mods were actually in control and there were waaaaaay less successful trollers. do your damn job mods and this site will be a better place.
i remember when the mods were actually in control and there were waaaaaay less successful trollers. do your damn job mods and this site will be a better place.
Trolling is part of the fun of this site.
lmao it's killing the site. it's more troll threads than informative ones
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