[QUOTE="themajormayor"]China and Japan is pretty much the same country so it's a guaranteed win for PS4FoxbatAlpha
I am hoping this is satire?
Canada and the U.S. I can see being almost the same. China and Japan? Yeah no. no. canada and the u.s. r almost polar opposites. we get along because we have to
[QUOTE="faizan_faizan"]Not surprised. MGSV looked like a turd in front of GTA V. GTA V is going to be the GOTY, GOTG, GOTD, and the GOAT. 10/10 :cool:uninspiredcup
True that. Same old same old. Quiet, deprived of a top. Grow up. Not 13 anymore.
man i'm hyped 4 that game and i stopped playing gta games a while ago.
[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"][QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"] Except for Nintendo, of course :cool: [spoiler] and BioWare *runs off* [/spoiler] this game looks better than anything those 2 have made in a long time :lol: Lets not turn this into a "Nintendo > R*" thread. But yes, Nintendo > R* k bye i have nothin but respect 4 nintendo and imo theyre the undisputed greatest dev of all time but gta v is better than anything theyve had in a while
[QUOTE="parkurtommo"][QUOTE="khoofia_pika"]Dammit R*, look what you did! You made Kojima cry :evil:khoofia_pika
I'm sure every time a rockstar game gets sold a developer cries himself to sleep, knowing that they won't be able to achieve such mastery. Except for Nintendo, of course :cool: [spoiler] and BioWare *runs off* [/spoiler] this game looks better than anything those 2 have made in a long time :lol:
[QUOTE="khoofia_pika"]Dammit R*, look what you did! You made Kojima cry :evil:parkurtommo
I'm sure every time a rockstar game gets sold a developer cries himself to sleep, knowing that they won't be able to achieve such mastery. doubt it. but gta v should be keeping everyone up at night. that game looks flawless
[QUOTE="AD216"] i honestly think u may be illiterate homieLegatoSkyheart
This is what I'm getting from you.
I want DRM for Digital Stuff, but I like to have Physical stuff too. Keep the Region Free to Physical, but have the Digital to have restrictions (why would you want that I don't know).
I don't want 24 hour checks. Used gaming doesn't pertain to me.
If I'm not right then please clarify what you're wanting, because it just seems that what you're wanting is what Xbox One has right now.
well u would be wrong. the physical disc should always be as is. u should be able to do what u want. the digital downloads should have family sharing and everything they originally promised. the 24 hr check is terrible seeing as how when i'm in an area where the online is shaky or nonexistent i should still be able to play my games. and used games still mean nothing to me so i dnt even see how that pertains to the 24hr check in any way. hopefully this clears things up homie
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