[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="lostrib"]ms exclusive? Pc is not MS but majority uses ms os so it might as well be....dat multiplat
AD216's forum posts
ms exclusive?dat multiplat
at this point the x1 has better games imo and since where it's a gaming console that is my number 1 reason.
regardless of how creepy the tech in kinect 2 is, they sold me on it. i'm at least curious about the possibilities now.
roaches make me want to become a hermit, lem or sheep.
i never have to turn the console off. i can switch from tv to movies to games to music seamlessly and even do multiple things at once.
xbl is, has been and will always be better than psn. roaches can say what they want as long as they acknowledge it as the emmy winning xbl.
i'll get a ps4 next spring but i'm 1. not ever paying 2 consoles for online services and 2. i need more than multiplats that appeal to me to show up on the ps4.
the x1 games at launch r better in my opinion and although i would neevr go buy kinect seperately, kinect 2 peeked my interest
this could be a turning point for the wii u
hopefully something that doesn't look average and/or doesn't play for itself.BrunoBRSryse was on easy during e3. from what i here it's completely different on the harder difficulties
D4 dnt look bad eitherKillzone is it .......any other game worth buying can be had on pc or xbox 1.....plus ryse,forza5,dr3,ki ....looks great on the 1....knack and driveclub looks like crap
i think what they did wrong was change the disc policy. they couldve introduced a who different set of rules for people who buy dd and people who buy physical copies. eventually the dd would have won out
nintendo because i'm tired of mario, link and ssb being trapped on inferior hardware. they could grow exponentially on one of the other consoles. FreeMyN***azLinkandMarioi would also eliminate the roach population if possible because most of the bring absolutely nothing to this site but an incessant need to nut ride kaz
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