Roaches can survive nuclear winters from megatons. Sheep don't remember the last time they witnessed a megaton or survived one :cool:. [spoiler] :P I stole your wifey, cry some moar! [/spoiler] roaches can survive nuclear blast but die when they get stepped on. i thought we went through this already. a roach is nothing more than a diseased scavenger
[QUOTE="navyguy21"][QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"] 2nd paragraph. u do know wikipedia can never be trusted right? I dont think he cares since it fits his argument so the entire basis of his argument is a website that may or may not have been edited by a sony fanboy? wow. i see why no one takes this site seriously
MS must be spending millions to cover up the 64-bit memory bus bandwidth of DDR3 in X1:lol:
is it really only 64bit?! no i thought it was 128 2nd paragraph. u do know wikipedia can never be trusted right?
[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="ZoomZoom2490"] now its you fighting like a rat and roach, ALRIGHT!, he caved in, welcome to the ring.
i see u misunderstood again. there was no anger or malice in my statement. on facts. i dnt care what console sales what. i'm in this shit for the games, not the companies. unlike u sorry ass fanboys
spend less time being butthurt, and more time learning english
i'm feeling magnanimous 2day so i'll let that slide.
yea i've read this shit. normally i wouldve get involved in this bs fight between the rats and roaches over which console is taking over the world or what ever u idiots r fighting about nowadays but this is ridiculous. the wii u is using a whole 2 gb's of ddr3 with a relatively weak processing core. the wii u is technically a last gen console.
no need to get mad, bro
i'm far from mad. i'm just trying to figure out what's the point in the 50 back and forth threads between yall when the consoles dnt come out for 6 months
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