[QUOTE="AD216"] lmao i wanna try this game, how bout this. i'm not on a pee cee, i'm on an ipad that keep notifying me every time this stupid ass kid comments. with that said, if netflix can stream movies in 4k in 2014-2015 with their terrible network, what will stop game companies from creating games at that resolution? they dont even have to be on a disc since games can be digitally downloaded day 1 and saved on an external drive. awww damn man i tried, i just can bring it down to ur level of idiocyMr720fan
So netflix is going to get the ISP's to do away with bandwith caps so you can stream about 100 gigs per movie derp. Also MS that had the shit kicked out of them over drm is suddenly going to let you put games on external hard drives now derp. Can you hear yourself really how old are you that your this dense about even basic shit ??
Every time I think you can get no dumber you surprise me.
FiOS doesnt have bandwidth caps, and im sure the industry will get to it. Broadband will be pushed I think and we will make it so that everyone can have access to the internet. its 2013, so i dont know if thats always gonna be a problem.
this kid is slow so facts dnt really do much for him
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