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#1 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts


[QUOTE="AD216"] lmao i wanna try this game, how bout this. i'm not on a pee cee, i'm on an ipad that keep notifying me every time this stupid ass kid comments. with that said, if netflix can stream movies in 4k in 2014-2015 with their terrible network, what will stop game companies from creating games at that resolution? they dont even have to be on a disc since games can be digitally downloaded day 1 and saved on an external drive. awww damn man i tried, i just can bring it down to ur level of idiocyMr720fan

So netflix is going to get the ISP's to do away with bandwith caps so you can stream about 100 gigs per movie derp. Also MS that had the shit kicked out of them over drm is suddenly going to let you put games on external hard drives now derp. Can you hear yourself really how old are you that your this dense about even basic shit ??

Every time I think you can get no dumber you surprise me.

FiOS doesnt have bandwidth caps, and im sure the industry will get to it. Broadband will be pushed I think and we will make it so that everyone can have access to the internet. its 2013, so i dont know if thats always gonna be a problem.

this kid is slow so facts dnt really do much for him
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#2 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"]I did not deflect shit I asked you to use that thing in your skull and you tapped out. I tried to bring this down to your level and you could not even grasp that. Now I know my english is bad but even so I still think you should get the idea. I tried but you can't fix stupid so I give up. If maw and paw let you use dat der pee cee don't just watch porn actually try to learn something or at least shut up when you have no damn clue.


lmao i wanna try this game, how bout this. i'm not on a pee cee, i'm on an ipad that keep notifying me every time this stupid ass kid comments. with that said, if netflix can stream movies in 4k in 2014-2015 with their terrible network, what will stop game companies from creating games at that resolution? they dont even have to be on a disc since games can be digitally downloaded day 1 and saved on an external drive. awww damn man i tried, i just can bring it down to ur level of idiocy

So netflix is going to get the ISP's to do away with bandwith caps so you can stream about 100 gigs per movie derp. Also MS that had the shit kicked out of them over drm is suddenly going to let you put games on external hard drives now derp. Can you hear yourself really how old are you that your this dense about even basic shit ??

Every time I think you can get no dumber you surprise me.

MS confirmed the fact that u can use external drives awhile ago kid so ur waaaaay off with that. again i'll post this site cuz obviously u didnt read it clearly. streaming sites are going to start streaming 4k movies.
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#3 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"]I did not deflect shit I asked you to use that thing in your skull and you tapped out. I tried to bring this down to your level and you could not even grasp that. Now I know my english is bad but even so I still think you should get the idea. I tried but you can't fix stupid so I give up. If maw and paw let you use dat der pee cee don't just watch porn actually try to learn something or at least shut up when you have no damn clue.kingtito
lmao i wanna try this game, how bout this. i'm not on a pee cee, i'm on an ipad that keep notifying me every time this stupid ass kid comments. with that said, if netflix can stream movies in 4k in 2014-2015 with their terrible network, what will stop game companies from creating games at that resolution? they dont even have to be on a disc since games can be digitally downloaded day 1 and saved on an external drive. awww damn man i tried, i just can bring it down to ur level of idiocy

I have to agree with no-scope here. Companies can't even do 1080p at 60fps right now much less 4K resolutions. You'd have to be a complete idiot to believe that. They would NEVER focus on a resolution that high when 99% of the market won't even have 4k TVs anytime soon. 4K is not even thinkable at this point and won't be till NEXT gen.

honestly with sony having a huge line of 4k tv's hitting the market i believe it will be within the next 5 years where it will happen. hell they started making games in 3d res on the ps3 only a yr or 2 after 3D became popular. and every game meant for 1080p will be in 1080p this gen (allegedly).

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#4 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts


Okay do you believe everything people tell you brah your head is not just a hat rack. I know it is hard but even videos at 4k would use more space than the dual layer blu-ray disc in the x1. Now don't hurt yourself but just imagine the amout of data a 4k game would use. However let us just over look that for a moment. What are you going to render the game with??

That crappy gpu in the console damn sure CAN NOT DO IT. So MS says A2+B2=c3 and your just going to take their word for it ??

Next your going to tell me the fundamental forces in string theory are fake cause MS said so :lol:



lmao so now u deflect? look man. twisting shit wont change the fact that u cant f'n read. i gave u a site in black and white that told yo dumb ass the same exact shit i said. now this conversation is over. i'll be back later to embarrass u some more. stupid ass kid lmao

I did not deflect shit I asked you to use that thing in your skull and you tapped out. I tried to bring this down to your level and you could not even grasp that. Now I know my english is bad but even so I still think you should get the idea. I tried but you can't fix stupid so I give up. If maw and paw let you use dat der pee cee don't just watch porn actually try to learn something or at least shut up when you have no damn clue.

lmao i wanna try this game, how bout this. i'm not on a pee cee, i'm on an ipad that keep notifying me every time this stupid ass kid comments. with that said, if netflix can stream movies in 4k in 2014-2015 with their terrible network, what will stop game companies from creating games at that resolution? they dont even have to be on a disc since games can be digitally downloaded day 1 and saved on an external drive. awww damn man i tried, i just can bring it down to ur level of idiocy
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#5 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts


I hope your an only child cause more like you would just be painful. The x1 supports 4k for VIDEO not games and there is currently no 4k videos besides demos for 4k hdtv's. Just cut your balls off so you can't contaminate the gene pool brah. English is my second lang and I seem to have much better reading comprehension that you. You a redneck raised in the woods how are you even on the net and who taught you to turn on da pee cee maw ??


lmmfao so ur telling me it didnt say games and other entertainment will be rendered in 4k down the line? what else should i expect from an illiterate kid.

Okay do you believe everything people tell you brah your head is not just a hat rack. I know it is hard but even videos at 4k would use more space than the dual layer blu-ray disc in the x1. Now don't hurt yourself but just imagine the amout of data a 4k game would use. However let us just over look that for a moment. What are you going to render the game with??

That crappy gpu in the console damn sure CAN NOT DO IT. So MS says A2+B2=c3 and your just going to take their word for it ??

Next your going to tell me the fundamental forces in string theory are fake cause MS said so :lol:


lmao so now u deflect? look man. twisting shit wont change the fact that u cant f'n read. i gave u a site in black and white that told yo dumb ass the same exact shit i said. now this conversation is over. i'll be back later to embarrass u some more. stupid ass kid lmao
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#6 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"] Let me see if I get this right your compairing unfinished games on unreleased platforms as a indicator of power wow. Oh the x1 games were running on pc's by the way. Still have yet to back up your 4k game bullshit claim either. How old are you or are you just short on brain power ??

I would tell you to slap yourself again but you most likely would end up in a comma and going by your comments you most likely have taken one too many blows to the head.


lmao oh my god man u gotta be slow af. it's common knowledge that games on consoles this gen will hit 4k resolution. i cant believe i let myself be tlked into a convo with a mentally handicapped kid. t almost all games were ran in engine on x1 dev kits lmao u have no idea wtf u talking about. u must get ur info from sw. but here kid. here's a f'n link. damn. ur pop's should have shot u in the toilet smh

I hope your an only child cause more like you would just be painful. The x1 supports 4k for VIDEO not games and there is currently no 4k videos besides demos for 4k hdtv's. Just cut your balls off so you can't contaminate the gene pool brah. English is my second lang and I seem to have much better reading comprehension that you. You a redneck raised in the woods how are you even on the net and who taught you to turn on da pee cee maw ??

lmmfao so ur telling me it didnt say games and other entertainment will be rendered in 4k down the line? what else should i expect from an illiterate kid.
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#7 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts

[QUOTE="cainetao11"]if power and graphics mattered to me, I'd game on a high end PC. Never understood console gamers caring about this so much, but not going with the most powerful option then.BeardMaster


mildly better graphics certainly is something to consider, but the difference will likely be insignificant compared to the difference in other features/price. Im probably not going to get any console at launch and will wait to see how things like kinect 2.0/multitasking/hdmi in play out vs saving $100... thats the main thing im concerned about in in next gen consoles (and probably most consumers). Whether or not the added features of the X1 can justify the price difference. Slightly better graphics, while nice, isnt something im particularly concerned about.

that was my biggest issue overall. saving $100 vs a complete intertainment option. i will end up getting both down the line but i preordered the xb1 but i may just sell it on ebay and wait to see how things progress
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#8 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts


[QUOTE="no-scope-AK47"] Wait stop the press you say the ps4 is 50 percent stronger wtf ??

What happened to there is hardly any difference noise you was popping off at the lip with. I know you slow but damn you just owned  YOURSELF. You still have yet to back up that 4k bullshit you was on either. You know what the xbox 180 is for your because you just did a 180. Slap yourself 4 times and stop talking before you knock yourself out :lol:


lmao most idiotic kid i've ever come across. in theory the ps4 has a 50% stronger gpu. nobody will be able to tap into that power within the next 5 yrs if in fact that is the case. bottomline is, the games will look extremely similar. or have u forgotten the f***in fact that they looked damn near neck and neck at e3.

Let me see if I get this right your compairing unfinished games on unreleased platforms as a indicator of power wow. Oh the x1 games were running on pc's by the way. Still have yet to back up your 4k game bullshit claim either. How old are you or are you just short on brain power ??

I would tell you to slap yourself again but you most likely would end up in a comma and going by your comments you most likely have taken one too many blows to the head.

lmao oh my god man u gotta be slow af. it's common knowledge that games on consoles this gen will hit 4k resolution. i cant believe i let myself be tlked into a convo with a mentally handicapped kid. t almost all games were ran in engine on x1 dev kits lmao u have no idea wtf u talking about. u must get ur info from sw. but here kid. here's a f'n link. damn. ur pop's should have shot u in the toilet smh
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#9 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts



You just continue to make yourself look more moronic with each post. How about you actually read and understand what the specs mean before you open your piehole. Slap yourself three times idiot. You talking about the 360 and ps3 that has jack shit to do with the x1 and ps4. The hardware is made by the same companies. Only difference is the ps4 uses faster memory and has a 40 percent stronger gpu as proven when running identical software at the same rez on pc.

So this this is real world proven performance. Pull your head out your ass and stop listening to PR bullshit. If you don't know you better ask somebody brah.


lmao im honestly convinced that ur a f'n idiot. actually the gpu is around 50% stronger which wont even matter till maybe 5 years down the line and only on an exclusive title that finally push the console to its limit. the slightly faster memory means nothing. what u shouldve mentioned was the 2 extra gb's sony will dedicate to gaming. at the same time, the only major difference will probably be in first party exclusives. everything else will look extremely close. now bruh, the slap urself shit been out since the 80s and if u have no intentions on doing it urself, i advice u to keep it moving

Wait stop the press you say the ps4 is 50 percent stronger wtf ??

What happened to there is hardly any difference noise you was popping off at the lip with. I know you slow but damn you just owned  YOURSELF. You still have yet to back up that 4k bullshit you was on either. You know what the xbox 180 is for your because you just did a 180. Slap yourself 4 times and stop talking before you knock yourself out :lol:

lmao most idiotic kid i've ever come across. in theory the ps4 has a 50% stronger gpu. nobody will be able to tap into that power within the next 5 yrs if in fact that is the case. bottomline is, the games will look extremely similar. or have u forgotten the f***in fact that they looked damn near neck and neck at e3.

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#10 AD216
Member since 2008 • 1719 Posts


So what are the games running on will power ??

Oh and what games are capable of running at 4k on either platform lmfao just slap yourself twice.


lmao remember the cell? and how we heard how great and powerful it was. come on now bruh, the consoles will be just as close as they were this gen. if not closer. as for the slap, i gave u an open invitation to upgrade yo self from a keyboard warrior but since u came back with that weak ass reply, i'll just assume ur a big mouth p***y hiding behind a desktop lmmfao

You just continue to make yourself look more moronic with each post. How about you actually read and understand what the specs mean before you open your piehole. Slap yourself three times idiot. You talking about the 360 and ps3 that has jack shit to do with the x1 and ps4. The hardware is made by the same companies. Only difference is the ps4 uses faster memory and has a 40 percent stronger gpu as proven when running identical software at the same rez on pc.

So this this is real world proven performance. Pull your head out your ass and stop listening to PR bullshit. If you don't know you better ask somebody brah.

lmao im honestly convinced that ur a f'n idiot. actually the gpu is around 50% stronger which wont even matter till maybe 5 years down the line and only on an exclusive title that finally push the console to its limit. the slightly faster memory means nothing. what u shouldve mentioned was the 2 extra gb's sony will dedicate to gaming. at the same time, the only major difference will probably be in first party exclusives. everything else will look extremely close. now bruh, the slap urself shit been out since the 80s and if u have no intentions on doing it urself, i advise u to keep it moving