Coolyfett has questions? Are you getting a PS4? If so are you trying to convince MS fans to switch over the Playstation Family?? did u just refer to urself in the 3rd person??? (rhetorical question) wow[QUOTE="CallOfDutyRulez"]
It's obvious all the multiplatform games will look and run better on the PS4. Hell, SONY executives had to punch their own nutsacks so that they didn't end up blurting it out and ruining their relationship with 3rd party devs.
You know what? Every single exclusive game this gen barring the Last of Us sucked massive donkey balls. They all sucked shit. Uncharted, InFamous, Killzone, Forza, Halo, Gears, Alan Wake, LBP, and every other exclusive I haven't mentioned SUCKED ASS. Exclusives are just a piss-poor reason for lems and cows to justify their purchases. It'll be a multiplatform war like this gen. You know it and I know it.
That said, the PS4 is technically superior while being $100 less. The choice is obvious.
AD216's forum posts
X360 dominated ps3 in multiplats and xbl dominated psn in online gaming. xbl is getting massively better (allegedly) and sony added some streaming features but haven't really spoke about psn that much. so what makes u think this gen will be any different. everyone who is getting both consoles r clearly getting the x1 for the only gaming.
both have games running at 1080p 60fps with 4k resolution. damn near every dev say it's extremely close and really nobody at sony has denied but. but f**k it, i'll listen to the fanboys instead :lol:
How the fu** you can have 1080p games with 4K resolution.?
Thank god no one listen to you..
aye flame i fixed it, now u can go back to ur internet porn instead of crying on the net like a lil ass b****[QUOTE="AD216"]
both have games running at 1080p 60fps with 4k resolution. damn near every dev say it's extremely close and really nobody at sony has denied but. but f**k it, i'll listen to the fanboys instead :lol:
How the fu** you can have 1080p games with 4K resolution.?
Thank god no one listen to you..
i meant and. u know how it is when u have a life and u multi-task or maybe u dnt. anyway. the day i listen to groupies over devs and host that show the shit is the day i wont ever play a game again.both have games running at 1080p 60fps and games capable of 4k resolution. damn near every dev say it's extremely close and really nobody at sony has denied but. but f**k it, i'll listen to the fanboys instead :lol:
edited because a dick rider acting like he doesnt know what i was saying ctfu damn basement dwelling nerds.
Here is the bundle I ordered.
Save $10 on a year of Plus and get guaranteed release date delivery for only $8.
Why would anyone pre-order from a store and freeze out in the cold for hours?
ewww BF4 on console
64 players on consoles now. well, next gen consoles anywaylmao that's wrong on every level.If theres grass on the field play ball.
lmao why would u? u dnt have to go at midnight and if yo preorder guarantees u a console so it's not first come first serve. who will be freezing outside?Here is the bundle I ordered.
Save $10 on a year of Plus and get guaranteed release date delivery for only $8.
Why would anyone pre-order from a store and freeze out in the cold for hours?
this shouldve been locked
You're trying scarily hard to justify your attraction to 14 year olds.3SidedSquarethat shit crazy. dude is a real life creep that was probably jacking his meat to that lil ass kid I'm 18 years old. calm your jimmies. no 18 year old i know would even look a 14 year olds way. they kids bruh.
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