[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="Jandurin"] favor = fanJandurinlmao not at all. if u favor something, that means u acknowledge using it more. i favor my ipad4 over my phone because of the various amount of things it does but im far from an apple fan. same games with consoles. i hate almost everything about ms and sony but i'm a proud 360/ps3 owner you're wrong why the fvck are you proud of owning consoles anyway i've played a lot of great games over the past 20 yrs. a lot. that's why im proud. oh and no, ur wrong. u might want to read up on the difference between being a fan and favoring something.
AD216's forum posts
computing power can add less strain to a console and better/more realistic graphics than local power which is limited[QUOTE="AD216"][QUOTE="SaltyMeatballs"]PS4 has more local power so who gives a shit.tormentos
GTFU with that stupid theory..
So the xbox one will be more powerful than a Titan GPU because cloud power is unlimited right.?
Did you know that the PS4 GPU is custom to handle more compute jobs than GCN or the xbox one GPU are.?
GCN and the xbox one has 2 Aces and 4 compute commands,the PS4 GPU has 8 Aces and 64 compute commands...So yeah compute jobs on PS4 will perform better than on xbox one,even with the mighty hoax cloud.
lmao u should really look at the developers reviews on the cloud. it's impressive. dnt get me wrong tho, the ps4's power is impressive as hell too. and u seem kinda upset. u must work for sony or something huh?[QUOTE="AD216"]lmao no u cant, u can favor a system for whatever reason but being a fan of a system is completely different. Jandurinfavor = fan lmao not at all. if u favor something, that means u acknowledge using it more. i favor my ipad4 over my phone because of the various amount of things it does but im far from an apple fan. same games with consoles. i hate almost everything about ms and sony but i'm a proud 360/ps3 owner
You will be talking to a wall after playing a last gen PS4 console for a year. I know a good art gallery for you.[QUOTE="robybaggio"][QUOTE="Mr720fan"]
ill be talking to my kinect, it has amazing audio hardware built in supposedly. I hope it does siri
siri is trash. why would u wish that on kinect? lmmfaoa game that learns the tendencies of gamers and uses that to create a more intelligent ai. yea.... Im sure that will flop hard (sarcasm) lmmfaoAll those clouds and still no rain in Flopza :(
I don't care who he is, he's full of sh*t. We use cloud computing at work right now. Could it replace your GPU? No. But, it could have significant impact on hardware.
As far as virtual servers, again, he is full of sh*t. We have 4 (16) processor web servers (4 cores per processor) with 1TB of RAM, they are virtualized into 12 web servers for our web farm. Each virtual server runs as a 4 Processor web server with 80GB of RAM. They perform just as well as our two test servers that have those exact specs but aren't virtualized.
Yeah we use cloud computing but not even close to how they claim it works,offloading some AI routines is not the same as rendering a damn game over a few MB internet connections.
The xbox one can't use the internet to render games period,those jobs require bandwidth that are now on more than 200GB/s is not even close even a GPU from 2001 has faster bandwidth than your highest speed connection normal consumers have.
the ipad uses cloud computing albeit on a smaller scale...[QUOTE="AD216"]not true, im completely unbiased about these companies and their consoles. The only console i ever favored in my life was the snes.Jandurinso then you're a hermit or dead nope, neither. im a gamer. ppl that show blind loyalty to a specific company r ridiculously stupid to me. every console will have something i desire in some way. what that is right now remains to be seen. i've literally owned every console sony, ms and nintendo has ever mad with the exception of the wii u which i plan on buying in the holiday 14 season. in my opinion, it should always be about the games, not the company.
PS4 has more local power so who gives a shit.SaltyMeatballscomputing power can add less strain to a console and better/more realistic graphics than local power which is limited
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