So far, there are three really good MMO's on the horizon that I'm scoping out: World of Warcraft, The Lord of the Rings Online, and Pirates of the Burning Sea.
I've played World of Warcraft before, and I can see how addicting it can get, with all of the possibilities you have, but what makes LotR Online and Pirates different from WoW. I've always been a fan of LotR, but I'm wondering if cancelling my WoW subscription (I hardly play the game anyway) would be worth it to subscribe to LotR instead. What makes LotR different from WoW? There's still the common basis of the game, as in all MMO's: Kill a lot of stuff, but what makes it all different?
And then again, I might want to cancel my WoW subscription to subscribe to Pirates instead. With all of the MMO's out there, Pirates is one of the only ones in which they have forgotten the basis of common MMO's and have started from the ground up.
So what should I do? Try LotR, wait for Pirates, or stick with WoW?
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