@BadMrSnake If you paid attention, the reason it stopped was because the TV connection was bad. It had nothing to do with the games. and REALLY? You are saying that $400 is too much when MS has theirs at $500?
@The_Beanster Another gamer with a brain. I'm glad people are realizing the shit that they are forcefeeding us. It needs to stop and the only way it will, will be if their profits drop a considerable amount.
@BLAQBUCK They tried to make it like the "all in ONE" box, but seem to have forgotten that you need to connect the Kinect to it, you also need to hook your DVR up to it for the cable, you also need to hook up your external hard drive, and probably your controller when it runs low on batteries.
@Ahmi20 Meaning what? They were blunt and upfront about everything. They are just saying that they may do something like a bundle or subscription payment plan like MS.
A_Rabid_Dog's comments