@nannasin @A_Rabid_Dog @andrew_ribbons Ok. this is my last post in the thread, so might as well make it a good one. In response to your counter arguments, I counter them with my counter counter arguments:
1) I shouldn't have to buy an additional hard drive for every 5-10 games I own.
2) Sony is a Japan company, but is sold in the US as a non-region locked system. What IS your argument on this point exactly?
3) Developers have never needed a constant connect, and do not need one now. The connection, in theory, COULD be as fast as imagination, but that's also up to your ISP. Ask yourself what your internet DL speed is currently. If it's anything less than 500MB/S (which is Business class I believe), then you do not have an adequate connection for cloud-based game processing. Nice try, but games come on a disc for a reason, and OnLive died for a reason too.
4)Except now that friend must forever remain attached to you as "family". Said friend's ACTUAL family now is out of the picture. Good job on that argument. No really, you displayed your stupidity and backwards thinking.
5) Kinect has great functionality, I never said it didn't. again, what's your point?
6) Source on this one. They said it's up to the developers for said fees, which has ALWAYS been the case. The problem with MS is that these restrictions are placed within the console itself, and not at the behest of the developer.
7) Agreed. I will be keeping my old consoles. MShit even advised it. At least my digital purchases on PS3 will carry over. Your move on that one.
8) When's the last time a free-to-play microtransaction-based game was a bestseller on Android/Iphone? Do you honestly see microtransactions being the future? If you do, you should work at EA. and shoot yourself. In that order.
9)Indie support on Xbox means that you have to Pay xbox to "validate" your game as an indie game, THEN every time a purchase is made, a cut goes to them. PS4 has a self-publishing option, which excludes the need for a 1st party review. Go ahead and look at the publishing terms on MS. I have.
10) They applied for the patent. Just because it hasn't happened now, doesn't mean shit. They now have the ability and right to implement this at any time and since they have applie for the patent, it means they are seriously cinsidering it.
That's it, I disproved every single one of your counter arguments. This thread is too low on the responses for me to give a shit about any more, but I had to get that out of my system and point out your stupidity.
I just want to throw it out there for everyone confused:
Publishers =/= Developers. MS is adding these services to only make money for themselves, and even less for the publishers, none of it goes to the developers. These added fees are redundant only to help feed Mshits bank accounts and profits and to make up for the huge hit they are going to take. EA is the biggest culprit of the money-hungry mind-set and they are partnered heavily with MS. When you think an EA game is good, look at who developed it and remind yourself that EA only helped market and publish the game, not make it. Same with MShit, they make very few games, and are requiring ALL games to pay them extra fees, especially indie developers.
@imkain @A_Rabid_Dog THAT IS THE PROBLEM. PUBLISHERS =/= DEVELOPERS. Developers make the game, developers should get the money. MS forces developers to go threough publishers, which are forced to go through MS. The added fees go to MS and the publishers only, not the developers. Sure they can Opt in or out of the system, but why would they when they are under the false pretense that they will get more money?
@racerxgundam @A_Rabid_Dog @TurboTeg53 Exactly my point. All of these systems are not in place to support developers, they are in place to fill MS wallet and nothing else.
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