Hungry children in Ethiopia are still suffering.
That should be enough, but for those who can't see past their noses, allow me to explain.
Every single day, since the beginning of our awareness that there are starving children in impoverished parts of the world, good-hearted people have been praying to the lord to help these children receive the nourishment they so desperately need. How long ago was this? At least a few decades. Hell, I'll bet that even just today alone, there were probably thousands, if not tens of thousands of prayers from all over the world, that hungry children should not be hungry any longer.
What really strikes me as odd however, is why god wouldn't notice this on his own, as he actually needed people to pray to him and notify him of the problem :roll: But anyway, if he cared, he would rectify this situation immediately, right? Perhaps god will make examples out of some people, to teach others...but why innocent children? There is absolutely no justification for that. NONE.
Since starving children first came to our attention, billions of prayers have been said. Yes, billions. Easily. Yet, not even ONE was answered. I wonder why...
So not only does god not give a crap about innocent babies suffering the horrible pain of extreme malnutrition, but he obviously doesn't give a crap about the cries of his other people, the supposedly "chosen" christians, the ones who are pleading with him to send some much needed help to the hungry.
God ignores the suffering of the innocent, and ignores the prayers of the good-natured. Wow. What a swell guy. :roll:
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