If you just got a 360, get Oblivion Gears of War, Mass Effect Halo 3, and CoD 4 to start you off. Any (or all) of these 5 are great buys that will have you playing for a long time.
Then, Orange Box, Bioshock, Rainbow6 Vegas, and a racing game (PGR4, NFS most wanted, Forza2, and Bunout Revenge are probably the best available.)
Then get a GH or Rock Band.
I would also look into Perfect Dark Zero, Marvel: Ultimate Allaince, Shadowrun, The Darkness and GRAW. Rent em or borrow from a friend, they may not be worth your money, but I had fun from all of them. And You can buy PDZ and MUA foraround $15-20 used.
You have the advantage of being able to get lots of old games, used, for lower prices. I got my 360 last year at Christmas time, and I got some pretty good deals on used games.
I have strayed from your question though. If you liked Halo 1 and 2, why wouldn't you get the third? It's quite a bit better than Halo 2.
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