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SOCOM 4 Review

For some reason the review system for SOCOM 4 isn't working and Gamespot won't let just leads to Page Not here's a blog post of it..

Great Protagonists
Satisfying Combat
Tactical Gameplay Is Effective
Friendly AI is Really Intelligent
Graphics Are Good
Music is Well Crafted
Fun Maps to Battle Within
Some of the best stealth missions in current generation gaming

Story Is Somewhat Weak (Mostly Towards the Beginning)
Campaign/ Multiplayer can get incredibly frustrating with difficulty

It seems sort of weird for me to jump into "SOCOM 4", considering the fact that this is the first SOCOM game I've ever played. I was never really allowed to explore the mature games of the PS2 when I was growing up (considering my parents were fairly strict on the games I could play), and the recent PSP outings had their fair share of problems, mainly due to the lack of a second analog. Now that I am 19 years of age, I can buy any game ever crafted, and for the very first time, I picked up a chapter of the long standing SOCOM franchise.

Off the top of my head, the story revolves around a group of NATO operatives trying to resolve conflicting militias in the country of Malaysia. The commander is referred to by many as a "psychopath", due to his questionable decisions within army campaigns. Through the small group's struggle within a wartorn nation, they begin to discover there is more going on then they previously believed, and different decisions may need to be made.

In the beginning of the game's initial set up of story structure, I found myself fairly confused with how these events were supposed to be playing out. Maybe it's because I've never played a SOCOM game before. Whether that's true or not, one of my few complaints is that Zipper Interactive doesn't do the best job of introducing the story to newcomers. Who knows...maybe I'm just not smart enough to figure it out on my own.

Setting that complaint aside, however, I must point out how satisfying of a tactical experience SOCOM 4 is. While I've played a number of third person shooters in my time, SOCOM 4 made sure to do enough alterations to itself to make sure it stood out from the growing shooter market. The tactics you can assign your fellow squad-mates is simple enough for tactical shooter newcomers like me, yet sophisticated enough for SOCOM fans to enjoy. Not to mention the fact that your fellow soldiers are quite the intelligent socialites. Unlike most shooter these days, SOCOM 4's soldiers actually feel like they are completely thinking on their own, and sometimes, your inputs aren't even necessary; as your squad-mates will take care of the enemies you can't see. With this, I found myself really satisfied with how the events were playing out; thanks to the intelligence of myself and the friendly AI.

While your fellow minute men are interesting to hear and work along side, they don't compare to hooking characters that are the Commander and "Forty-Five". They are the only two players the user can play, and both are incredibly interesting to learn about and even more appealing to play as. The Commander is mainly for assault missions, while Forty-Five is for stealth. Both sections are awesome to play through, but the stealth deserves the most attention, because there are very few games that have as satisfying stealth gameplay as this. It literally feels like you are creeping through the shadows; making your way to plant a homing device or bomb, how easy it can be to spotted and how not everything is a simple area to shoot your way through. If you don't want to pick up this title for its action, at least pick it up for its stealth; it ranks among some of the best stealth I have played in current gen games (Along side Call of Duty 4, Uncharted 2/3, and Metal Gear Solid 4).

The combat is intense, the music is beautiful, the graphics are pretty good, this game has just about everything it needs to be a perfectionist gamer's dream come true. The problem is, SOCOM 4 isn't quite up to par with such perfection. Other than the relatively weak story structure mentioned before, the game's difficulty is a pressing matter that must be discussed. Even on normal difficulty, I found myself dying multitudes of times throughout just ONE level! I know this game is trying to be as realistic as possible, but sometimes it feels as though its unfair to the user such as the instances where you're behind cover and die from an immediate head shot. I lost track of how many times this happened to me, but single player's difficulty is nothing compared to the initial difficulty of multiplayer! Call of Duty is child's play compared to the frustrations you will encounter playing the multiplayer. People got too good, too fast, and there are too many "noob-tubers" throughout the maps that kill you instantly. When the multiplayer isn't so difficult, it is wondrous and satisfying to play through. It;s just sort of sad to know that such matches don't happen too often. Maybe it's my lack of experience with the franchise, but that only makes it worse; considering that saying such a statement means Zipper is only trying to appeal to the hard core gamers and not newcomers.

Nevertheless, if you can manage to look past the game's difficulty spikes, SOCOM 4 is both engrossing and fun to play. If you manage to be a better player then I am currently on multiplayer, you will probably look past my difficulty faults and enjoy this experience even more then I have.

Though not the best the PS3 can offer, Zipper Interactive does a good job with creating pretty and expansive environments.

Tactical decisions are a good change of pace for a shooter swimming in a sea of run of the mill TPS's, and the action is just as satisfying

Beautiful music, realistic gun sounds, and terrific voice acting adds up to a perfect blend of "soundplay" for SOCOM 4

One of the weaker aspects of SOCOM 4. While the story undoubtedly picks up throughout the game's run, the beginning may leave newcomers confused.

Replay Value:
Moderately High. Multiplayer and single player trophies will leave gamers coming back for more, so long as the frustration doesn't take its toll.

Final Verdict:
I will continue to delve into SOCOM 4's multiplayer to see if I can become better at such a frustrating experience. Do not let my irritations with this game detract you, if you're looking for some good action to play through, SOCOM 4 is your game.

8.5/10 or 4/5

Metal Gear Solid 4 Review

I know you guys haven't really looked at my updates lately, but I would really appreciate it if you guys could at least look at my review of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots .

It's the longest review I've written to date, and I put a lot of effort into writing it, so if I could at least get some people to read it that would be really nice. Also, feedback is nice too. So if you liked my review, good feedback is always a good thing. Even bad feedback is a good thing. Thanks you guys.

Demo Views

I have just recently played a few demos on my PS3 and PSP. Two of these titles have already released, so my view on the demo probably wont change your ideology of the title, but it's still nice to express what I feel about them. The other demo, though, has yet to be released. So in that case, my view may have a good impact on what you may think of the title.

SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 3

To be truthfully honest, I don't really know where to stand on this title. I though the graphics were impressive, I thought the tactical based combat was good and I thought shootouts were fun. Missions feel like your standard shooter style objectives, go here, blow that up, shoot them, shoot some more, sabotage that, kill them, etc, etc. But my main problem is how the game controls. I hated how there is no real camera to help with the aiming. You can move the along left or right to move the camera left and right, but theres no up or down unless in aim which you can't move your position. I am still curious as to the how the entire game would feel....maybe Ill buy it cheap or rent it. Still, the game's controls felt very weird.

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker

Now this demo was the definite best of the three I tried out. Almost everything about this game was flawless. The comic style cut scenes added a lot more affect to them than I thought they would. Combat was fun, shooting was fun, it was funny, and everything mixed well together. This is a must buy for me.....Ill probably be getting the collector's edition because I want that artbook included in it. But anyways, yes if you have a PSP, get this game.....just the demo showed how amazing it was.

Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days

Now this is where things get interesting. Since this game has not yet released, my views can somewhat affect others' views on the title. And that's good to know. So what do I think of this game? .........I will probably never play it ever again. That's right, I didn't like it at all. Everything about the demo felt so off or weird. Combat was so untight, it made for a lot of cheap deaths. The cover system is so screwed up that I couldn't smoothly go from one place to another without dying. The graphics were pretty poor on my TV, you could see various background color problems. Voice acting was probably the best part of the game. The characters were believable and make for two interesting people to work side by side. By other than that, I didn't find anything really enjoyable about the title. It may be demo problems, I hope so.....Because if that's not the case.....the sequel could be even worse than the first Kane and Lynch.

Is Dead Rising 2 Special Edition Worth It?

I've been excited about the upcoming release of Dead Rising 2. The series has finally come over to the PlayStation 3 and im am very thankful they decided to. I was thinking about pre-ordering Dead Rising 2; since its about 2 months till its release. But then I saw it had a special edition, so I figured I'd pre-order that one instead.

The problem is I don't know if the special edition is worth the $80 Capcom is asking for it. If you look in the image on Google, and info from other sites, all thats included is the game and a bonus disc, a pen, a funny health and safety poster to help avoid zombies, a notepad, a collectible tin, and some Zombrex paper.

I don't know about this.......the best part of getting it, to me, would be the zombie health and safety poster and the game.....i dont know about anything else. What about you guys? Do you feel this edition is worth the $80 asking price?


What's With The Wanting Lately?

You ever have one of those days? Where you just see nothing but awesome items from places and you think "Boy, do I want that" and not even know why? Well, Ive been having that a lot lately.

It didn't start off so bad......I basically just wanted Dead to Rights: Retribution....close to the top of games I really want. Sure, its not like I go crazy spending money on games left and right (The last game I bought was God of War Collection), but you just have it in the back of your head as a reminder that that's something you really want and should reward yourself someday with. So....why has it escalated?

Now...I've been thinking of all sorts of nice things I desire.......God of War 3 Ultimate Edition, Modern Warfare 2 Night Vision Goggles, Dead Rising 2 Special Edition, Time Crisis 4 (Granted, I've wanted that game for a while) and so on. I haven't boughten these things, but man do I want to. I just find it weird that this started happening the more I watch one of the best anf funniest shows ever "The Big Bang Theory".

Hmmmm....Im sure there's a see them get a lot of nice things they want on that show thats all related or closely related to game.......ehhh I don't know what to really think of this.......just thought of this as a funny topic to talk about.

Oh and a weird thing happened today. While I was on my PS3, an online friend of mine named DAT_BOY_CISCO asked if I had pics of naked girls............uhhhhhhh..what the f*ck??? I told him no and asked why he'd ask such a thing.....he never responded and deleted me immediately. . FYI If anyone has him as a friend on might want to delete him right away......


Hey, To Those Who Will Read This

Hey guys, its me AceDonald (aka Donald Strohman),

Its been a while since Ive written anything on this site, because Ive been focused on a lot of things and dealing with stuff. Wow, where to begin. I'm 17 now, listened to Green Day's 21st Century Breakdown and loved it, saw American Idiot on Broadway, got a cat named Psycho, played a bunch of games; stuff like that. The time since my last post in August 2009 to now June 2010 has been had some fun, but mostly realizations and acceptance of how things must be.

Schools almost over, and I'm quite glad it is. Junior year has been nothing but a drag from the beginning, especially with the harsh break up I endured right before school started. I have not found anyone else yet, because frankly I believe Im too scared to try again, or believe Ill f*ck everything up somehow. Its not like I haven't tried, I just haven't asked anyone out; due to previous experiences with rejection.

First marking period I failed Algebra 2, got a 69, teacher wouldn't give me extra credit to raise it up to a 70 because she hated me from the moment I spoke a word in that class. Good news though I got it up to an 88 by the end of marking period 4 thanks to my tutor Mrs. Stout.

Started seeing a therapist to help with final problems with break up with Rachael (I really did love her guys). He's also helping me get confidence back. I look forward to each meeting, hes a great guy and a good friend.

Most days in school feel lonely. Most of the time I just wait for school to end or look forward to few classes with people who talk to me. Things were much better in 10th grade...when I had............never mind.

Ive visited colleges, thinking about Wildlife Conservation/ Environmental stuff to major in? Still questioning it.....

First wanted to be a vet, but changed my mind after internship at vet's. They didnt care about the people or the animals, only about the business. Put dead animals in a plastic bag like they never meant a thing to the world......

Im the Troop Guide in my Scout Troop 180, people say Im doing a good job....

Eagle Scout project will be building barn owl nesting boxes to assist their recovery.

I still dont know how to play guitar, but I think my song writing skills have improved since a while ago.....break up helps give me ideas......

Played Heavy Rain, Fear 2, etc....

Getting Green Day Rock Band tomorrow...

Still trying to find a place in this world where I can truly be happy and just relax. Realize I mean something..Im not depressed all the time...I know......question things alot.............

Im sure not that many people will read this, but I just wanted to give a small update on things......

Hopefully I write again sooner or later...

-AceDonald (Donald Strohman)

Resistance Reservation and The Transition from Zune to Ipod.

Hello people (mostly likely a couple of you actually reading this), its been sometime but ive been bloggin a little more often, which is good. Anyways, I have some news. Resistance: Retribution is coming out March 17 and i reserved it. With the reservation came a demo and found the demo to be pretty good, though the game seems far from perfect (just by the demo). Since this game was developed by Sony Bend, the geniuses behind Syphon Filter, the game has some similarities to Syphon. For example some gun reload sound effects are the same and has a close control scheme. But some effects used in Syphon that were great arent used, such as tapping the analog twice to take cover to certain places (there is an auto cover though). And also I have given up on Zune. I thought the Zune was a pretty cool mp3 at first b4 i started encountering glitches and tons upon tons of "the only way you can get this song is if you buy the whole album". Plus, it seems outdated when there are so many better mp3's out there (including the PSP!). Itunes is much better in organization and such so im probably gonna get an itouch soon and have fun with an mo3 instead of encountering number upon number of problems

Games I Really Need to Review, Crysis, and A Birthday

Its hard finding the time to write reviews, even though i enjoy doing it. With school, my girlfriend (10 months together), the foundation and everything else, i just seem to be at a stand still in time to review. Games i really want/need to review include Resistance 2, Motorstorm, Warhawk, Crash Commando, Bioshock, God of War2, and so on. I might review one of these tonight, or another depends. Also, im having a crisi situation with "Crysis". I got the game for xmas to play on the computer. But unfortunately, we dont have the right video card to support the game. Bummer, i was looking forward to it. I think the video card is "PCI Express 16X" or something like that. Hopefully we get the card required on my birthday which is on February 17th. Less than 2 days away!!!!!

P.S: Are all Vista game reqiured to be played on that video card or is it just Crysis?

My Game Awards/Picks of 2008

For the first time ever, i have too many games to play. I got several games for Christmas and have only beaten BioShock. I have played most of them, but not all the way through. And with 2008 at its end, i've decided to list my picks/awards for games i have played or expirienced in the year of 2008. Remeber, they might be games from years ago, but the all have been played by me in 2008; so if its from 2003, don't go and say "That can't count since it didn't come out this year!". Also, I don't have all these games, but i at least tried them out.

Best Graphics: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Best Voice Acting: Resistance 2

Best Cooperative Multiplayer: Rock Band

Most Improved Sequel: Resistance 2

Most Innovative Game: Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Most Violent Game: God of War 2

Most Memorable Moment: BioShock- Ending Where Little Sisters Were Saved

Best Story: BioShock

Best Atmosphere: BioShock

Best Downloadable Content: Rock Band

Best Boss Fights: Resistance 2

Best Use of Control Scheme: God of War: Chains of Olympus

Best Game Nobody Played: Dark Sector

Scarriest Game: BioShock

Best Sound Design: Silent Hill: Origins

Best Online Multiplayer Game: Warhawk

Funniest Game: Pain

Best Xbox 360 Game: Grand Theft Auto 4

Best Nintendo DS Game: Dementium: The Ward

Best PC Game: Crysis

Best Wii Game: No More Heroes

Best PS2 Game: God of War 2

Best PSP Game: God of War: Chains of Olympus

Best PS3 Game: Resistance 2

Best Downloadable Game: Pain

Best Driving Game: MotorStorm

Best Rhythm/Music Game: Rock Band

Best Sports Game: MLB 08: The Show

Best Fighting Game: Condemed 2: Bloodshot

Best Action Adventure: Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Best Platformer: Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Best RPG: Folklore

Best Strategy Game: Valkyria Chronicles

Best Shooter: Resistance 2

Best Puzzle Game: Lumines Supernova

Game of the Year: Resistance 2

So there you have it, hope this somewat helps anybody out there decide what they want in the future or right now.

No PS3 Destroy All Humans? There Is Still Hope!

My fellow PS3 users who were looking forward to DAH!3 Path of the Furon, i know there has been the tragic news of its cancellation. But, this doesn't directly affect everyone. It turns out, the cancellation only is for North America. Europe is till getting the PS3 release! So if u live in Eu, or are willing to spend a little extra money; DAH!3 on PS3 will be waiting for you in Eu on Feb 13, 2009. (Harsh wait, but i love this series too much).

P.S. Other than DAH! ive decided to boycott THQ for their cancellations of DAH! on PS3 and DAH! Big Willy Unleashed on PSP.