AceDonald Blog
Song of the Week- "Miss Murder" by AFI
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Wait for 5? Or Get Prologue?
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Cloverfield: AWESOME! but Bummer Ending
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Is Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Releasing Early Good or Bad?
by AceDonald on Comments
I know the fact that the Rainbox Six Vegas on 360, PC, and PS3 was a smash hit for the series, since it ramped up the previous failures of the previous game. And i can see why a lot of people are excited about the sequel. Though i haven't played the first game, i will eventually. But my biggest concern with RSV2's early release is will it be almost exactly like the previous version. Sort of like how Full Auto 2 didn't change much from its predesesor to get its self in in time for the PS3's launch. I think it might be a lot like the first one and if this happens, its score could fall because of the same thing you have to pay for again. What do you guys think of RSV2's release?
Resistance 2 = Online King
by AceDonald on Comments
According to Game Informer, Resistance 2 is supposed to have some of the greatest online options availible. 60 person online matches, 8 player co-op, huge maps, and a great variety of weapons makes it the top game i want of all. I loved the first game, and from what people are saying, the sequel will be even better.
Adrienne the Heartbreaker
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Hail to the Station
by AceDonald on Comments
For those of you who didn't know, though probably those who are reading this already know it (yea i mean you GamWiz47), im a Playstation finatic. And im suprised on how little i actually say how much i love the PS legacy.The Playstation introduced some of the best known titles ever made,and made itself dominant against the competition for many years.ThePS3 may not be on top now, but im sure with the much anticipated titles on their, like Haze, PS3 will get another great boost to the top. ThoughPS3 has done pretty well in the past months since its purchases have increased because of the great exclusive titles (Uncharted, Unreal Tournament 3).Sony must have worked hard to give us everything its placed in its consoles the past years. Through thick and thin, it never seemed they gave up. Each of their platforms were taking full advantage of what they could carry, andproved to be what i consider to be the best line of gaming consoles ever. Each oneoutdoing the other in performance and technology. Here is a small word of thanks to each of them
Playstation: Sony's first try to get into the gaming industry was no flop. Unlike theDreamCast or Genesis, the Playstation managed to be worthits weight and was no doubt one of the best looking graphics carriers of its time. Sure, it didn't carry Mario, but it had its own unique line of games to call its own. But it soon fell silent when its younger brother was born.
Playstation 2: Many people can say that most things are as good as the original (Ah Ghostbuster 2, how you fit perfectly), but even more people could argue that in Sony's case, their latest gaming machine was in every way better. It introduced some of the well-known titles that have become some of the best in history (Jak, Ratchet and Clank) and improved itself on graphics, even when they were good to begin with. Some still consider the best console of the console war, even with the Wii, Ps3, and Xbox 360 butting heads at each other. Though recently, Plastation 2 hasn't had many new good game out, though its still fun to play the originals.
Playstation Portable: With another member in Sony's gaming family born, people couldn't be more excited. This time, Sony made a handheld, which was a big chance since the DS was out and the GameBoy Advance was still big. Though some might say it didn't have the best graphics of the three, they could easily say it had the best graphics of any handheld out there. Transferring big titles to the small screen was often, but not annoying. Because a good number of those games were still great (Daxter, Ratchet and Clank: Size Matter, Juiced: Eliminator, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror). Despite the weird working of it, since it had no 2nd analog stick, the PSP made itself known as one heck of a handheld.
Playstation 3: Out of all the 4 platforms made, you could tell PS3 had the biggest change it graphics. Being packed with so many advanced pieces of technology, it made its older brothers look like weaklings. But they didn't fear long, since it didn't do so well in sales due to the $600 pricing. Even when a $500 platform was availible, it was soon gone. The 20 GB had almost no demand, so it was put out of its misery. Many worried the PS3 would break apart and crumble because of the lack of users and games, but that soon changed. With a drop in price, and more games, it soon sped up the sales and showed off its true power. And don't think its done yet, it still has many games to come that could show us all what a company bent on impressing its users can really do.
Sony shows no signs of stopping its great consoles, and this is a good thing. Anybody out there who has ever insulted a Playstation of any kind is a @$$. Screw Microsoft and Nintendo, they couldn't really bring themselves out back then, and the only reason they are seen now is because the PS3 is waiting for a chance to sling itself far ahead of the competition. A wise choice in anyone's gaming library, go ahead, get yourself a Playstation. 1, 2, 2.5, or 3.
Dad's Birthday
by AceDonald on Comments
Today was my dad's birthday (Jan. 3). He said he didn't want anything for his birthday since he bought himself a chainsaw to help our nieghbors get a fallen tree branch out of there yard. But we got him a frame of family photos, and Blazing Angels. He said he loved games where you bombed ships, and we figured that game had some involvment of bombing ships.
Happy B-day Dad!
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