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Quest For Chains and Redemption

Ok. So its been a couple weeks since God of War: Chains of Olympus releasing, and im tired of waiting for it. I hope to be able to get it next week. I did have some money to use for games, but i spent it on MotorStorm. But no doubt the next game ill get will be God of War: Chains of Olympus, the demo was freakin' awesome!! Also, some of you know i have been having netwrok problems for my PS3. I am 99% sure its something to do with the router, because i also cant get a wirless connection to my PSP either. I will spend the whole weekend looking over everything in both router and PS3/PSP data. I hope i can figure it out, its been a while since ive played online CoD4. Wish me luck.

I'm Drawing A _____________

Its weird. The past week i have been having PSN problems. sorry to my friends, i haven't been able to log on lately. But everytime i try to log in, its says "An error occured, you could not connect to the internet". I tried my connection test and it always fails. Is the PSN down because of the change? Or am i the only one encountering these problems. I'll have to check my router.

I Hate Green Day Now

Well, i think its been a long streak of loving the greatest band ever, but everything must come to an...................................




Walking Advertisments: Limits Should Be Set

Its weird how many multiplatform games will feature more in-game advertising than console exclusives. This might be to get more money to put it on other consoles, but it just gets annoying for some games to see in-game ads. In my opinion, racing games are ok for ads because it makes it seem more realistic, but everything else shouldn't feature as much, since we kind of play games to escape our reality. I don't want to be in the middle of F.E.A.R shooting some clone to death and happen upon an ad to buy the XPS from Dell. But what im really trying to get at is the fact that some games are nothing but walking advertisments. many of these i happen to see on the Xbox 360. I was astonished Burger King had this random idea to make video games to sell their products. This of course was one of the stupidest ideas in fast-food related history. All over game websites all three game, Sneak King, Big Bumpin', and PocketBike Racing, all recieved poor if not fatal scores. If it wasn't for the cheapish price, nobody would have gotten them at all. I heard they were pretty bad attempts in any video game stance, and they really shouldn't have gad that idea to begin with. Maybe the games would explain BK's loss of income around the time the games came out. Nobody likes walking ad games! Also, there is apparently an Xbox Live Arcade Game my friend jediknight52501 played titled "Yaris". I thought this was some weird puzzle game at first, but ironically, it was a racing game using Toyota's Yaris. He gave it a 1/10 and other reviewers weren't mericful either. Seriously, the pics of this game look like crap. Who had the idea there to make those weird cars into a game? There will always be ads featured in some games, but games completely based on advertising are nothing but a lazy and pathetic attempt at earning some extra doe.

Tagged by Tre & Ty

Yea i got tagged by my fellow Green Day loving bud TreCoolFan and my friend i have yet to play CoD4 with yet TyReVIRus lol;) and i have to write so many facts about me then i tag that many people. So lets give it a try:

1. My name is Donald. The Ace in AceDonald stands for two things. One is because its short for my dog's name Aceton. And two, because it makes me sound important.

2. In the 3rd and 4th grade, i had two poems i made "Journeys" and "Imagine That" published in a young poets book.

3. My favorite band before Green Day were the All American Rejects.

4. The only way i beat "Destroy All Humans!" was by using a cheat code.

5. The first M rated game i ever played was Family Guy.

6. I am going to learn to play the guitar next school semester.

7. When the girl i had a crush on, Adrienne, said no to going out with me, i went home and wrote the song "Heartbreaker". Which depicted my sadness and anger. (Even if i couldn't play the song, at least i had the lyrics for when i could.)

8. 8 is my favorite number, or any number with an 8 in it.

9. I was suprised the Saw movies made it past "Saw 2".

10. It took me 2 years to figure out how to get music onto my PSP.

Well, thats all i can think of. Which of my friends are gonna get tagged?

DeathByControl, AceBermanX, dsplayer1010, TheCarl, TheMinority16, MeltTech, wildnine00, theeman2000, Simpsonfan0505, jediknight52501. HAHA! JOKES ON YOU NOW SUCKAS! lol

Gratefulness to Panic!

The band Panic! at the Disco has just recently released a new album titled briefly, but to the point Pretty. Odd. I haven't bought the album, but i think those who love music should. It is no doubt one of 08's best album releases so far. It brings back the outspoken and unique band back with more of their witty and original songs with them. I listened to the album on and found it to be great. My personal favorites are Nine in the Afternoon, Pas de Cheval, and That Green Gentlemen. Major lovers of the first album A Fever You Can't Sweat Out may find this album a little off compared to it, but i still think its an album everyone should listen to, and almost everyone should own.

MotorStorm 2 Teaser

To those who haven't visited the store lately, and those big MotorStorm fans out there, PSStore has just recently released a teaser trailer for the highly anticipated sequel to PS3's hit racing game "MotorStorm 2". This time instead of a desert, you race in a lush jungle on an island. Also, the teaser shows that you will be able to use the enviornment to your advantage, such as knocking down towers to block raceways. This idea sounds good, since PS3's power does a great job in bringing out a jungle's beauty (like Uncharted and Turok). Also, since there isn't a rush into getting this game released like the previous version, there shouldn't be a lack of cars or tracks. Maybe they will also include offline multiplayer and customizable paint jobs this time around. Can't wait.

I Question My Sanity

Have you ever had one of those days where you are just bored to tears? When you just sit and think about eveything thats going on in your life. For some reason i have been lately and it keeps getting in the way of everything. I just rebelled in the past few days doing some things i had never done before. I wonder if this was from the past 3 weeks of fun. But now i just feel so dragged out. Was i crazy before and am starting to become normal? Becuase i did do some pretty stupid stuff some time ago. Once in class when the teacher was telling us about WW2 or something, i just banged my head on my desk. I wasn't tired or anything, i just did it. Maybe im just starting to go crazy now. Yesterday, I almost beat up a friend of mine for insulting Green Day. I was joking somewhat, but i really don't like it when someone insults Green Day. Well, i didn't beat him up and i don't think i would have anyways. He and i are friends and we just laughed about it afterwards. Crazy or not, things just are becoming so weird lately.

PSP + "Head On" = BFF!!

Its weird. When i first noticed the new FlatOut game for the PSP, i took no note of its subtitle. But now im really thinking about it. Two car related PSP games have the subtitle "Head On", "Twisted Metal: Head On" and "FlatOut: Head On". Was this coinsedence? Or did Bugabear think the subtitle would be a luck charm for the game? Since Twisted Metal had the subtitle and it turned out to be a good game, maybe there's would be too? IDK!!! I'm just gonna have to check out the new FlatOut game, 1. Because of the subtitle and 2. Because i like FlatOut. Wonder if any later games on the PSP will have this same oddity.

Are Some Call of Duty 4 Perks Useless?

I am a major player in Call of Duty 4's online multiplayer, and it is some of the best ive ever seen! The problem ive been noticing lately though, is the fact that some perks you will either only use once than never again or never at all. Like "Last Stand". You get points if you kill people with it, but would you keep it after all the points possible are gained? Everyone seens to always make sure that their victims are dead, so when in last stand they'll just kill you before you have a chance to fight back. This happens to me a lot and i have only sucsessfully killed a few people with it. Also, the "Eavesdrop" perk i never use because most of the time nobody talks on the other end. And even if they do, its hard to tell if their you're allies talking or if they are the enemy (in modes like Team Deathmatch, Sabotage, Search and Destroy, etc.). Reply if you have anything to say on the situation. I'll also except hi's too.