@bdrtfm: Putting your game on Steam is no more expensive for publishers than it is to put it on the Xbox or Playstation stores
@lionheartssj1: I didn't know the guy but someone from the next town over from me had a PS4 Pro they won from Taco Bell up on Craigslist.
@Daian: It's the same thing every other year. Different studios making two totally different styles of raving games. Alternating releases.
"The Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel adds to big Marvel movie stars." As seen from Gamefaqs. Adds to what? Oh wait, just bad editing.
@jako998: You can’t even achieve the graphics shown in the presentation on PC since they feature a multitude of special graphics effects that were chopped before launch.
@Bread_or_Decide: the WiiU had tons of 3rd party support initially, then it fizzled out. It’s the same pattern with every Nintendo system.
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