@computernoises: I don't think they refer to themselves by the acronym anymore. I'd have to look up a source, but I think it happened when they started selling more modern titles so they didn't want to be seen as a storefront for purely classic titles.
@alipower: I'm sorry, as a PC gamer, there's no way you're gaming at 4K med/high settings with a $500 PC on anything but old games and even then, you're lucky if you're in the 30 FPS range.
@jr_hal: Last gen both Sony and MS had cross-play games between their respective platforms and PC. I'm not holding my breath on seeing console cross-platform between Sony and MS. They're too close of competitors. Glad Nintendo is willing to work with others though.
@phatsanta: Sony has allowed cross-play this gen before Microsoft did. They only do it with PC though whereas MS has the underdog thing going and want crossplay between all platforms which Sony is turning down.
@darthrevenx: I personally like racing games, especially the Forza series, so yes, I'm excited. There's a lot of content included on the disc, so if you don't like, or are not interested in the DLC packs, then you don't have to buy them. I don't see Your point in the games being milked though. I brought up the 2 different studios because they're not making the same types of games. Not even close. If Horizon didn't have the Forza name on it, most of the whiners wouldn't have any ground to stand on. An open-world racer collect-a-thon isn't even close to being a race day "sim" like the Motorsport series. All of the CoD games are the same basic formula just in a different setting. At least between Horizon and Motorsport you can get 2 different flavors.
@meltdown: A lot of it is rushed ports. Heck, some ports from the PS4 and X1 to PC had locked 720p resolution and 30 fps caps, when most any capable gaming PC is capable of so much more. That's either laziness, or a rush job, and neither should happen. What's wrong with making the best version for each platform?
@darthrevenx: So basically you don't like Forza because 2 different studios make 2 completely different types of racing games, and there's DLC for them. Ok.
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