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I am really sorry guys...

...Well im not to sure if anyone is reading this, havent been on in so long, and i suspect that people have stopped tracking me :( I have been really busy with school and all, first semester Exams comming up :x I wanna ask how everyones been holding up, and how gamespot has been holding up as well, considering that all is going to hell after Jeff left :( I am also not trusting Gamespots reviews anymore, because now companys affect the score given to the game (because of the K&L ordeal with Jeff) and will read only the Player Reviews and other reviews from different sites. In other news i went to the only local place that sells games near me to get FF Tactics: War of the Lions for PSP, for 39.99. At least, that was the price the other day i looked at it. I brought $50 (ready for tax) and it turns out its $49.99, and i have absolutly no other change or cash on me. it took me half an hour to walk there and back, and to rub it in i got home with nothing new but an extream chill on my ears (i walked there in -30 degrees felt like -35 with the wind chill, in a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and a jacket):x so no new game for me, but some good news is im gonna burn a copy of Burnout 3 for my niece and keep the original for myself (kinda cause i like having the original, weird habit of mine, and becaue ill take better care of it most likely, so that if she scratches the burnt copy i can make her a new one).

The thing i think most people will be interested in is im probably leaving gamespot sometime soon. I have found many other (not to mention better) things to do. I'll still be on in a sence, probably blog once every 2-3 months an comment on yours when i do blog, but i dont blame you if you stop tracking me. It was really awesome knowing all of the people i met here, honestly. And i will never forget any of you, please dont forget me :)

Goodbye for now at least :) ...

Games im getting, games im selling

quick and simple, thats what this entire blog is about.

Selling: PS2:DBZ B3, Mercenaries, Robotech Invation, Killzone, Destroy all humans!, PSP: Prince of Persia Revelations, Ridge Racer, Daxter, SOCOM FTB2, GTA LCS PS3: NGS

Getting PS2: God of War 2, PSP: Metal of Honor Heros 2, FFTactics: war of the lions, NFS Underground Rivals,

Hopefuls and Possibles: PS3: The orange box ( hopeful because its being said that it has issues, while the other versions dont=compleatly unfair, so my friend might be getting it if the PS3 version isnt good) COD4 (a possible because i want to rent it first then decide) PS2: Burnout 3 Takedown (a hopeful because im hope alot that my neice will let me have it again

just my thoughts, thanks for reading :)

Turns out I'm not so good at the whole "Head Shot" thing anymore....

:P I now know why i dont play Resistance as much anymore, i suck so bad at it :lol: but i think ill keep trying to get better :) anyways i hope everyones been doing good, ive been doing okay, turns out this chick at school likes me a bit ;) moving on:D i have desided im gonna be selling some games:

PSP: Ridge Race, SOCOM FTB2, GTA Lib City Stories

PS2: DBZ Budokai 3, Destroy All Humans!, Robotech: invasion, Mercenaries, Killzone

and ill be picking up

PS3: Orange Box (for sure), HAZE (maybe) UTIII (maybe) PS2: GoW2 (for sure) Burnout 3 (getting it back from my niece hopefully, i loved that game so much) PSP: Burnout Legends (possibly if i dont get Burnout 3 back, cause their basically the same, didnt know that before) and NFS Underground Rivals (depends if its cheap)

see you guys later ;)

Wow, i got a blog post that was an advert....

Yeah so in my last blog, i got a post as an advert, or ad, or advertisment, but i like advert :) sorta they way the british say it, and that would include myself, my mums british, so i think i qualify :D moving on. the ad was talking about how they'll buy MMORPG's gold for money in real life. ive heard about it before, so i wasnt suprised about that, but the fact that its now at GS is just ... for lack of a better word, weird. i just never expected it to be there. so i go to the persons profile and sure enough, they havent done anything, so now we "offically" have SPAM AT GS :x so i got to "report abuse to moderator" and im proud to say it was my first time (generally means that i dont rat people out for saying their own oppinions) and i went to the SPAM thing, or w/e. so ive never dont this befor like i said, and i dont know if its still there, it probably is so you can check, if you really want to ;)

in other news im offically not getting rock band....ever :( my parents said if they found it, even if i paid for it, they would throw it away. mostly because they think i would play it more than my real guitar.......truth be told i might :oops: and its really for the better, so im not too upset, and ill probably just get a different game. ive been trying to rent CoD4 to see if i like it, but i havent been able to, and im also thinking about UTIII but ive never had a UT game so im not sure what to expect, just some rambling in this paragraph :P

also thinking about getting a NFS game for my PSP, just cause ;) but i was wondering, does NFS Underground Rivals have neon under glow, cause i really missed it in Carbon :P but yeah its come down to those two games

enough of my rambling i have to go, BUT before it do i want to know how everyones been doing :) k see everyone later :D

EDIT: now the game that i want for my PSP has come down to..........NFS Underground Rivals AND Burnout Legends :P, i just decided i'd get that as well, hopefully their both cheap used or something :P

I've made my desision

Im now only going to buy the games that i know will truly satisfy my gaming needs. And those games so far are: The Orange Box, God Of War 2, and Rock Band. Im gonna get The orange Box and possibly GOW2 for Christmas (im gonna pay for one, most likely the cheaper one, and I'll get the other one for a present, along with some CD's) I dont have the money right now for Rock Band, but I will get it eventually, or if EA makes a Rock Band 2 that turns out better, ill get that, but for now im getting Rock Band in maybe a month or 2 orsomething...

Also not going to get into the MGS series. i dont want to start another one :P

I'll be off now. Hope everyones been doing good, and happy thanks giving to those of you that are celebrating it :) im out 8)

Quick Blog...

Well i offically have no clue what im going to get now for christmas. my world has turned upside down, Haze was delayed:xrock band is starting to look good:ouncharted got an okay score, so ill think about getting it:|

i was gonna get MGS 2 and 3 cause ive never played them but they look good, and the orange box plus, god of war 2 and SoTC. I know im gonna the orange box and GOW2 + SoTC, and now i need a reason i should buy MGS 2 and 3 lol

i was also going to get some CD's but i might just ask for a couple from my parents for a present instead of paying for them myself but im not so sure now. actually im gonna drop SoTC, GOW2, and MGS2+3 for now, and get them later.

Im also learning a song for my final exam in my guitar class (yes my school has a guitar class, i got 100% on the progress report/report card :D) the song im learning is Tears In Heaven by Eric Clapton. It was written for his son, when they were in New York, and his son fell off the balcony of the apartment( im not really sure if it was an apartment) and actually died :( its a very sad song, and also very hard to play on guitar :| i have a video ill put a link to now, its also go the lyrics and its a live preformance. yeah im a noob sorta with comps so i dont know how to make the link say whatever you want, so youll just have this lol. hope you enjoy it and take the message to heart :)

bye everyone, have a nice day or week or w/e lol :P

EDIT: I just found out that hissons mother(they werent married at the time apparently)was with his son when he fell of the balcony, and its because the maid left the window open, so that had to harder on him. also his sons name was Connor

RIP Connor

Dont like Warhawk, and I HATE Ridge Racer, but Assassin's Creed hit the spot...

got 3 topics today, but before we get started, how has everyone been. hope everyone is getting ready for the holiday season.

Warhawk - Yeah so it turns out i dont like Warhawk that much. I rented it, and i didnt enjoy it that much. Im not saying its bad, i think its a great game, with graphics, options for fighting, and how open ended the customization is. I just dont enjoy it, and im not sure why, so i wont be getting it. i think i'd give it a score of ... 8.7:)

Ridge Racer - So, i've raced though 3 tour things, the Basic, the Pro, and the Ex tours, and within there are more tours, 39 to be exact, and i had one last one in the Ex tour. So im playing, and it was just so unfair, every race you start in 12 and usually have to make it ot 3rd, 2nd, or 1st from there :( so after about 50+ tries on the race i end up beating it, and i say to myself "finally! i've acutally beaten the game!" a message then pops up saying "congradulations, you have unlocked the MAX tour!" its basically the hardest tour in the game, and for the first race segments, the description is "only 1 in 200 people are expected to beat this" ... wtf? i look at the next tour "only 1 in 300 people are expected to beat this" ... huh? the next tour says "only 1 in 400 people are expected to beat this" ... your kidding ... right? or exagerating? please? so i start the first race, and its 4 cars, im in 4th :| i start and i have a bit of boost, is i try getting ahead of the dude in third, and he uses boost as well, "okay..." so i try taking the corners really sharp, and were in the same car but hes faster than me, "weird" i say to myself. so were on a straight, and in about 3 seconds hes out of it, and i have half way to go "BULLSH!T!" so i offically hate Ridge Racer, and am now playing Prince of Persia Revelations instead :twisted:

Assassins Creed - i cant even begin to discribe this game its that good. you have to kill 9 guys and im on the forth one, and ive only had it for about 2 days. my 360 loving friend is at my house now and cant stop killing the guards because the sword play is so fun lol :P personally i enjoy running across roof tops and finding veiw points ( you need view points to fill up your map so you can see things, and when you get them the camera circls around Altier and it really shows off the graphics :D ive only ran into a few problems, the framerate goes to hell sometimes, and it frezzez every now and then, but i think i might have scratched the disk :oops: so that could be the problem :D another thing ive seen is that each city has a colour to it. Acre has a blueish ting, and Jeruselem has a Greenish one while the other city (cant remeber the name) has an orange ting, and i think it looks pretty damn cool :P but thats all i can write for now, and i think this might be my GAME OF THE YEAR! yes i love AC that much :oops:

thanks for reading guys :)

Lest we forget...

...the soldiers that died in war, from any country, and never forget that they were the ones that made our land, and homes, so free, now let us take 2 minutes of our time to remeber those soldiers. I assure you, war was a lot more of a living hell, than any video game...

Skipped half a day of school...

...and beat Rainbow Six Vegas. I only skipped half a day because we had this healthy living thing, the only one in our school division, that took place at my school alone. so we had to go to these things, there were 5 presentation things, 3 in the morning, and 2 in the afternoon, and i didnt have a second class after lunch, only one, so i skipped that one, and went home. i then played R6V, and all i have to say is: what a game, what a game :) really, i thought it was an amazing game, so freaking good. the graphics were amazing, the gameplay and online superb, ect. I think i would give this game a 9.2, a really great game, and i reccomend it to ANY gamer, anyone could like this game, well maybe not anyone, but very few would dislike it :D

and i saw the CoD4 review, and i've never really been a CoD person, and it looks a little differnet, but still the core gameplay is there, so ill give it a rent, and then maybe ill buy it if i still like it, i still haventdecided :oops:

moving on i think ill move onto NGS or Oblvion, ill choose when im able to get past the part im stuck at in either one, but ill probably change my "now playing" into w/e it is so if you want to know, or if you care that much lol, then you can check there

well i hope everyone has been doing good, and ill see everyone around :) goodbye for now ;)

Back from my break

well, im back from my little break lol, and i did beat SOCOM the same day i beat MotorStorm, i just didnt feel like making a blog again at the time, so yes im done with SOCOM. Third game im done with now. anyways, how is everyone doing lately, gaming lots i hope. and getting ready for some of the new releases comming soon i imagine. that remindes me, i saw Timeshift in stores, for sale, for the 360, on Nov. 3. weird, but it doesnt really apply to me, because for one i dont have a 360 lol, and two i didnt really look into the game, doesnt look to great. what does look great tho, is crysis. man that game looks amazing. right now im downloading the demo (not with the new downloader. i DLed it to my comp, but for some reason it keeps saying i didnt, w/e) so it says the DL will be done in basically....20 hours:lol: so ill wait for that, and see if my crappy comp can run it at the lowest level of quality lol. and i am really really REALLY looking forward to Assassins Creed. looks pretty damn cool if you ask me :)

moving on, i am now stuck in all of my games pretty much lol. R6V: Stuck, GTA: Lib City Stories: stuck, NGS: stuck, oblivion: stuck: ridge racer: stuck, PoP Revelations: can you freakin' guess? :D oh well, im sorta taking a break from all of it anyways. some good news is i got a new cell phone, a Nokia 5300 MP3 Phone :) its actually got a really good camera on it, but it was $50 so it did put a just-under-medium sized hole in my pocket :P but im happy with my purchase

and i forgot to give SOCOM a rating. my verdict is......7.8, it had pretty good graphics for a hand held, and the maps were pretty large, again for a hand held, but the mulitplayer was horrible imo, the only skill involved was who could press the lock-on button and the fire button the fastest (R and X) so no skill involved really, the story was just kinda like a bunch of missions for an excuse, but it was okay, nothing special at all, but okay. had some interesting things in it, like taking photos of maps. it is after all what a real SEAL would od right? so i have to give it some points there. thats pretty much it, it was okay, didnt really like it, if you want something worth while to play, dont get this, if you want a filler game, then do, give youreself the liberity and go get this game for all its worth (which isnt much imo lol ;))

im out, see everyone around gamespot :)

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