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*shrugs* i didnt think it would work anyways...

...Yeah my plan backfired, and im sure alot of you thought it would lol. I didnt think it would work anyways, that kid got all the games i offered him except DBZ for $5 each, so now im just gonna go the EB games and see how much i can get for them. Also im not gonna get Ace combat cause the day i wrote my blog that i said i wanted to get it, i went over to my friends house and it turned out he rented it the day before and in that time he beat it TWICE :| I guess im not getting that now. And im gonna save my money so that i still have enought to get my guitar and KH 1,2 along with GTA Lib City Stories, and burnout Legends. Oh and my Battery ;) now ive made over $300 working for my parents for 2 weeks plus 3 afternoons, and im gonna work for 2 or 3 afternoons agian next week. Then its off to PANAMA. Gonna go cheak out the canal and have a vacation there for a week before i go back to school. But im missing the lauch of WARHAWK:cry: Oh well, i guess ill just try to get a signal with my PSP and read the review but i dont know if that will work at all. Also missing a huge all-nighter with my friend at a place called SPAR Games. If there is a spar games near you and you still dont know what new console to pick (Next Gen) then SPAR can really help you deside. So ill make a blog before i leave and one when i come back. Almost forgot, im gonna do this thing when i get back (maybe, im not sure so far) so that ill delete all of my friends, then ill make a blog saying something like if you're reading this comment and im gonna add you on my Buddy list, cause i know that i have way too many people on my friends list. I still dont know if im gonna do that, buti might. Whatever well figure it out later :)

Bye for now ;)

I've got a plan...

...and it is to sell 5 of my PS2 games for $100 (a big effin' ripoff :D) to this kid that is willing to buy them off of me 8)But, his family spoils him so he has the money all the time. One time this kid game a girl at my school $100 just causehe liked her. Shehad no interest in himsoshe gave him back the money though, didnt feel right keeping it she later told me. Anyways the point of that sorry was he has the money for this and doesnt care what he uses it on. This kid one time went out and bought about 4 okay skateboreds and they were way over priced, but he never learnt how to skate, and the best thing he could do on them was put his back foot down so sparks shot out of the end of the board :lol: (he had this like metal thing on the end by the way soyou know how he did it) So im gonna sell these 5 games to him: Killzone, Robotech Invation, DBZ Budokai 3, Destroy All Humans, and Mercenaries. Im pretty much done with all of them now so i thought i could get rid of them for some money to buy these 4 games (possibly 5): Kingdom Hearts 1&2, (PS2) and GTA Lib City Stories, and Burnout Legends (PSP). If i still have enough money in the end then I'm gonna get a new battery for my PSP (cause i kept killing it accidentally, in now only lasts for 3 hours instead of 6) and hope fully it'll be the battery that supposed to last longer than the original. If then i still have money left over i will either get a new Memory Stick (right now i have 2 GB and i kinda wanted 4) or i'll get Ace Combat X: Skies of Deseption. You guys have to help me deside here :)

So sorry i havent been posting much on any of your blogs, and i understand if you dont post on mine :) Ive been working for my parents for the last week so i havent really had much time to post anything, your way to tired to after working from 8 Am till 6 PM organizing files and making bills for patients in my parents office (mums a foot doctor, podiatrist, and my dads the reseption for her). Well i made $70 working there for a week, and i hope to make more next week. I lost lots of chance to make money cause i was so tired for some days (after the nights where i was staying up late to read the new HP book lol, and to think i thought i wouldnt get sucked into that yet :lol: )

Okay im gonna stop here so that i dont make my blog too long, but one more thing...

IM GETTING NINJA GAIDEN SIGMA NEXT WEEKEND!!! for me its been so long i cant freakin wait :D

So i understand if you dont post on this blog but i would like to know what you guys think i should get: 4 GB Memory Stick, or ACX:SoD

Blogging made easier

I now only put a blog up on the weekends, so everyone can cheak each weekend for a new one if you want. But now in the week since i dont have enough time to blog, i just try to post on everyone elses. And it works really well. Anyways, im enjoying Rainbow 6 Vegas, but now my friend let me borrow Tony Hawks American Wasteland, which in my opinion, is the BEST Tony Hawk game. I might buy it off of him if he lets me or ill just get it used at EB Games.

Okay well thats pretty much everything thats new with me, and i still have one more week of bronze cross :( but then its done:) till im able to sign up agian if i fail in august :( and i probably will fail because its way harder than Medallion. Oh well, i guess ill just try my best. But even after that i have to do another course, then a test, then i can be a lifeguard...But im only 14...GODDAMNIT I CANT EVEN START WORKING FOR ANOTHER 2 YEARS!!!

Oh well, Ill see you allaround :)

Well this weekend keeps getting better by the second...

Done the Bronze Medallion classes now, passed on the first try, even though i didnt study for the exam at all. There was this one person in my class who had done Bronze Medallion 4 times already, and was freaking out about the final test. She said she stayed up till 1 in the morning just looking at her lifesaving book so she knew everything. I was just thinking at that moment how i stayed up till 2 playing MotorStorm (Considering that i just got it replaced cause my neice scratched the disk really really bad. At least i got a new one for free, even though the warrenty on it had gone over a month now. But then again, people that work at superstore are kinda dumb lol. Just kidding, they arent dumb just.... flexable to use the right turm lol). I also had a cold when i did the test (Still do) and i was only there physically not really mentally, but some how i still passed lol ;)

So next week i have to do the Bronze Cross :( but since i finnished the Medallion on the first try, i got some money from my parents as a preasent. Gonna go buy Rainbow Six Vegas with it, then maybe when im done Cross then ill get Ninja Gaiden Sigma. But i am determinded to get both of those games ASAP.

Watched the E3 press conferences for Sony and Microsoft (Didnt bother watching Nintendo, i dont have anything against them, just not really interested) And i think that they were both great. Im more excited about Sony (Cause i have a PS3) but still MS was great too. Now im thinking about getting Gears for the PC :D But if ur wondering why im getting R6V before Sigma is cause i might get too addicted to sigma and beat the story in like 2 weeks (Same thing with god of war except alot shorter of a time period lol). With Vegas i can play online and not get bored at all fast, so i think that Vegas will last longer than Sigma, but im gonna get both eventally :)

Well that raps up my update, so i think ill go now and ill see you all around once im done Bronze Cross (BTW *whispers* im still making money lol ;)) Bye everyone :)

If anyones wondering where ive been...

...Ive been making money for the list of games that im gonna get in my other blogs. So i DID NOT leave Gamespot, and ditch all of my buds here :) ive only been doing chores around my house, mowing peoples lawns, and any other work that i could find. So this blog isnt gonna be very long, and im not gonna be that active for a while, and just so all of you know, i DID NOT, i repeat DID NOT ditch you all. Im still here, just making lots of cash, and cheaking in daily to see whats been going on (E3, and other things) and cheaking on u guys. But if you guys post on this blog then dont be suprised if i dont say anything back for a bit. And also ive never really had that much time to wright a blog, right now is 10:30 PM and no ones in my house, so im just chillin and waitin for my mum to get back from shopping :P

Thanks for understanding guys, i mean it :)

Its the end of the first day of the last week of school, lol

So, today was the start of the last week of school, nothing really new, i actually fix my guitar so it works a little better, so i wont be getting the new guitar for a while now but i know i will have to eventually and im ready.

Made a big change to the list of games i wanted to get:


GTA: vice/lib city stories (Both are good, but lots of people seemed to like vice alot more, so i still havent desided)

Burnout Legends

What i took off:

PoPoLoCrois (Cause i dont really need an RPG, but i might get it)

Monster Hunter Freedom (Seemed to be a bad game, might rent it first)


God of war 2

GTA: san andreas

A hitman game, i havent desided which one, but im gonna ask my bro (cause hes played and beat all of them) so ill get my awnser from him


Rainbow 6 Vegas (A must, and it comes out tomorrow!!!:D)




Heavenly Sword

Half-Life 2 the orange box


NOTHING WHAT SO EVER!!!!! lol ;) i thought about it, and i can always play Halo at my buds house, so i dont really need to get it, and plus thats about 20$ more for some other game :D

Also, if you guys know about any cheap (But good) FPS's RPG's racing (sim and combat) and stealth games could u let me know, or if you know of a game thats kinda like one i have on my list, but better and kinda plays the same, could u let me know?

Thanks :)

Couldnt really think up a name for this blog....Whatever...

Sooooooooo, hows it been peoplez? I got the wedding over and done with today and my aunt and uncle are leaving on Sunday (Todays Thursday). It turned out i was the person that gave the rings to thedude that was helpin the bride and groom make vows and stuff.Yeah not too much fun, but hey, it took only like 45 min. So that was over and done with pretty fast. Learn a really sweet new song on my guitar (Not only like Kick @$$ sweet, but it was a sad love song too ;)). Its called "Your Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Nice acoustic song. Started playing on my PSP alot more now, but i cant get past this part on Prince of Persia Revelations, so not sure what im gonna do, i already tried walkthoughs but i cant find the part, so i posted a forum and now im hoping for the best. Theres a ton of new games that i wanna get really soon, heres the list :D:


Burnout Legends

GTA: Lib City Stories


Monster Hunter Freedom


God Of War 2

Hitman: Blood money

GTA: San Andreas

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas


Heavenly Sword



Half-Life 2: The Orange Box


Halo 1( Cause now its nice and cheap :D;))

Those were allthe games that i know are comming out pretty soon, maybe in a few months, but the games that i didnt mention that im also looking forward to are GTA 4, Guitar Hero III, Army of Two, Assasins Creed, Battlefield: Bad Company, Burnout Paradise, and Medal of Honor: Airborne, all for the PS3. So im gonna be spending quite a bit of money as u see, and that guitar... Well, i know that i have enought money for it now, its just that my friend said to not buy it from the store that i was going to. He recomended another store that has better quality stuff, so ill look there soon and hopefully they'll have a guitar that i like at a resonable price.

Okay, well, i think thats it for this update, hope i wasnt too long (Working on that little problem as well), and ill see you all around gamespot. Later;)

Its about time i made another blog entry...

Okay, i havent blogged in a while, and theres too much to say. Last time alot of people didnt read my really, really, long blog, so im gonna make this on as short as possible.

Im done exams (Finally, im free!!!!!!:D) which makes me so happy, but the fact that we still have 2 weeks(?) of school left here is pissing me off. And also the ballet students that go to my school have left...For good. But almost all of them have facebook so we can keep in touch still 8) (If you're wondering what facebook is its just like MySpace).

Now im gonna be busy again alot because my Uncel and Aunt from England have come to Winnipeg to get married, so im gonna attend a wedding (Never been to one before, wish me luck :D).

Havent got that new guitar yet, but when I do im gonna post some pics. Might go on a vacation to see my sister whos in Thialand for a bit, so im gonna be buying alot of games for my PSP so i wont get board, and dont worry ive got a list (GTA: Lib city stories, Burnout Legends, Monster Hunter Freedome, and PoPoLoCrois, or an free roaming action adventur, combate racing, and 2 rpgs 8)). If ur wondering why i picked those games its cause thier all under 20 dollers used or at best buy, so its about the same price as one new game;).

I gota new CD (Warning by Green Day, my favorite band) and im really into the song Minority,Waiting, and Macys Day Parade. I recomend this CD (And band)to anyone who likes some good punk rock ;)8):D. Havent picked up San Andreas yet, but im still gonna wait for he Price to go down untill i get GOW2. And now were thinking about making my basement a rec room. All we need is a new tv (the one down there sucks). And my dad really wants to get a Pool table down there. So theres gonna be a PS3 (Only if theres a new tv) my guitars, our computer, and a Pool Table. I might go live down there :D.

Thats about it, i hope ill be able to make more blogs soon, and i hope im not too busy anymore. C ya round ;)

PS: hope u dont mind, i kinda made this blog a little too long again :roll:

Busy, Awesome, and Sad Update...

Okay, we'll start with the busy update first. In school i have exams for the next 2 weeks straight:(, but their not too bad:) so thats gonna keep me busy for a while. Also i have my Bronze Madalion(not sure if i spelt that right, but whatever) swimming classes that i have to take cause my mum is freakin' obsessed with me at least being able to be a lifegaurd(i dont think that i spelt that right either, but, again, who cares? Moving along).

Now this is the awesome part of my update. Im taking up skate bording again. I did skate a long time ago, and i was pretty good i'll say, but i dont want to boast. What happend was; I had a bet. $50 bucks that i couldnt do a 50/50. Im like to the guy, "WTF?!?!!? 50/50 is really easy, im gonna make $50 today dude." So hes still cocky and is like "So show me im wrong." Me: "Dude, ur out of ur mind" So im going along and im on a table top and im getting ready to ollie onto the rail. I make the biggest ollie ive ever done. Usually i can only ollie 2 decks, but this time just under 3 decks stacked up. Everything is perfect im gonna land on the rail, ive got enough speed to keep me going, everything is perfect, like i said. I land on the rail and the first thing i hear is a giant CRACK!!! Im thinking WTF?!?!?!? And then i realise that my Spitfire trucks just broke in two. Both of them. Just so i wont bail and kill myself, i go into a board slide and then theres another crack. Again; WTF!?!?!?!? in a sort of panic. My board just crakced in two, my really expecsive Element board. So now im like, "Oh $H1T" and lucky the rail wasnt that high. so i didnt sack myself, but when my feet landed (With the board parts under them) i hear 2 more cracks. So now im like "This can not be happening" And yes, my speed demon Berings just shattered. All that i had left was my Speed Demon Wheel. And i was so sad, so i just threw them out in the skate part garbage. The guy that i had a bet with let me off and didnt make me pay $50. He pityed me.

That was about a year ago, and i just forgot about skate boarding up until now. I dont know why i just ditched it, but now im taking it up again. I bought a zero board for 3 bucks off of my bud (Its tail was ripped off, and he had an Element one anyhow) and now the only thing that i have to buy is some reds (Berings) and mayber some new wheels. I might get some more Speed Demon wheels and berings, and i wont throw them out this time, i promise. And now its even better to start skating again, cause if anyone heard before, Winnipeg got a skate park about maybe 6 or 8, maybe even 9 months ago, called The Plaza. I was also just out side in my garage where the ground is really smooth, and started trying to re-learn evenything. So far, in like 10 minets mind you, i re-learned how to do a 180 Pop Shove it, i Ollied over a deck, and almost landed a kickflip. Yeah i still got it, just joking, lol.

Another part of the Awesome update is that i have almost beaten God Of War, and will probly get God Of War 2 if i convince my parents to give me like $50 for a good report card. And also, i might buy a new guitar, a Gibson Les Paul. If you dont know what it is, then u can just look it up on google images, that is if ur actually interested lol. At this store its only like $350, give or take 20-30 dollers. And i might get a new amp for my guitar as a Graduation of Grade 8 present.

This now leads us into the sad part of my update. I am graduating from grade 8 to a high school next year. A ton of my buds are leaving, and i wont see alot of people again. Some of them said that we were gonna hang out over the summer, and i really hope we do. These friends have really been the best u can possibly get. Im so sad that their all leaving, but we'll see each other again hopfully.

Well this concludes my update, and im also sorry that I haven't really been posting lately. But im gonna try to more often now.:)

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